
Friday Afterlife Report

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EARLY Report for subscribers

14th November 2008
Apologies if I have not replied to your email. I've had a particularly busy week attending very urgent matters.

Last week's report

COMMENTARY:“IF I ONLY KNEW”! What comes across from the otherside is the great number of people saying, “If I only knew” – referring to the time they were on earth and the things they could have done to increase their vibrations to obtain better conditions in the afterlife. They failed to understand that time on earth is relatively very short. They failed to have long term planning. They failed to seek to learn about the afterlife. A few of them even ridiculed the idea of an afterlife! They could have done so much for themselves and the world – if they only knew that one day everything we do on earth will catch up with us, whether we like it or not and whether we want to accept accountability or not. Of course, those who took the time to find out more about the afterlife matters and followed the recommendations on how to get a better deal on crossing over, would be ‘light years ahead’ in the afterlife. So, read more and make sure you do have some long term planning how to maximize your time on planet earth – time is shorter than you think!

“All the pretense and shams of your world are stripped away and the soul is revealed in all its nakedness, so that its strength and its weaknesses can be known to all … I come from a world where values are known, where falsity does not exist and inequality does not reign. There are no poor and no rich in my world, except those who are poor or rich in spirit. There are no mighty and no weak, except those whose souls are mighty or weak. When all the things that your world of matter praises highly have faded away into the dust of the forgotten past, the eternal realities of the afterlife will endure for ever.” (S.B. from A VOICE IN THE WILDERNESS).

THE LIFE REVIEW- We learn from various sources that as part of the process of dying we have a sequential life review. This is how PMH Atwater described the experience: "No detail was left out. No slip of the tongue or slur was missed. No mistake or accident went unaccounted for. If there is such a thing as hell, as far as I am concerned this was hell. I had no idea, no idea at all, not even the slightest hint of an idea, that every thought, word and deed was remembered, accounted for, and went out and had a life of its own once released; nor did I know that the energy of that life directly affected all it touched and came near...It was me judging me, and my judgment was most severe. (Atwater, Coming Back to Life p.38).


Dr George Richie died and experienced what it is like to talk to living people and not be heard, to have his hand pass through physical objects and to move around by the power of thought.

Dr Richie was shown what happens to spirits who are tied to earth by their desires or regrets. He witnesses the spirit of a woman trying desperately to obtain a cigarette from the workers who are oblivious to her presence and others trying to get a taste of alcohol. And he sees spirits who are in a deep hypnotic sleep because of their beliefs. Read more...

Thank you Ricardo in Argentina for sending us this link to a great video of an out of body experience where a very practical engineer looks for evidence to convince himself that his experience is real.

The personal experience is the best kind of evidence. I know, because when I first had a conversation with a materialized spirit I was finally convinced beyond a shadow of a doubt that everything I had learned and experienced about the afterlife over almost twenty years of exploration was true. What is enlightening mankind about the afterlife are the psychic and spiritual experiences people all around the world are getting and sharing. Reports show that so many people now are reporting Near Death Experiences, Out of Body Experiences and After-death contacts– and other afterlife phenomena – something many people were afraid to talk about in the past. Once people have these experiences the opinions of skeptics become meaningless. The dedicated work of those hands-on empiricists who are reporting and writing books about the experiences of so many people, is making acceptance of the afterlife easier all the time.

‘Results and problems of the mediumistic technical realization of audio-visual contacts with autonomous appearing intelligent structures of unknown levels of consciousness.’ Access one of the most important books on earth. Read for yourself the miracles of instrumental trans-communication which I believe in the near future will shock the materialists out of their complacency when advancement in ITC will be devastatingly impossible to rebut. Read more. See also www.worlditc.org

#10 Advanced thinkers helping to shape the destiny of our planet earth.
Dr Adrian Klein and Dr Robert Neil Boyd (pictured below right)
are arguing for a scientific revolution. They claim that standard physical theory, as commonly accepted today, is based on a series of unproven assumptions and numbers of vast and cumulative errors which have, from time to time, been deliberately inserted into its fundamental tenets. And they have evidence to support this claim. Read this week's installment:

Bruce Sanguin, an ordained minister in the United Church of Canada, has written an important new book about evolutionary Christianity. Realizing the importance of creating a practical guide for both ministers and congregations seeking to shift their congregational culture toward a progressive form of Christianity, the author grounds this book in the experience of his own congregation, as a way to establish context and to share real-life examples. At the same time, he peppers the book with insights from the science of emergence, chaos theory, quantum physics, field theory, spiral dynamics, and evolutionary science. Written in language laypeople can understand, this book is filled with no-nonsense, realistic advice on the pitfalls and possibilities of following the vision of the emerging Christian way. Read more...

Wendy and I have enormous admiration for Rev Dr Michael Beckwith and his amazing
New Thought Agape Centre in Los Angeles. When we visited a couple of years ago it was packed to the rafters. Watch this short video as Rev Michael discusses his new book "Spiritual Liberation" - 'nothing to do with religiosity' he said, it has to do with 'true liberation'!


A new program on cable tv has medium Chip Coffey and psychologist and Columbia University professor, Dr. Lisa Miller working in each episode with two or three kids who ultimately are brought together to learn how to cope with their gifts. We know that many mediums have difficult childhoods and need all the help and support they can get to understand what is happening to them. So what do you think? Is it sensationalist rubbish emphasising demons and haunted houses as self-identified "psychic kids" grab the spotlight? Or is it a great concept that may help a lot of tomorrow's mediums to realize they are not alone. What is the best way to help sensitive children to develop psychically and spiritually? Send us an email to psychickids@victorzammit.com. See website...

The film crew that produces Psychic Kids claims to have had paranormal experience that shocked everyone on the crew and "forever changed the way one-cameraman views the spirit world". Is it genuine? Judge for yourself. Watch video...[allow time to download and play the annoying short commercial]


The momentum is growing we are welcoming many more new people to this list every week. Many are also joining our Facebook discussion site so ably run by Caroline Sloneem Bennett and a number of other lovely knowledgeable people who have being doing a brilliant job in keeping the energy positive knowledgeable and supportive. Please feel free to join the discussions.

FEAR OF DEATH?: It may come as a big surprise that more than sixty per cent of people fear death. Fear comes in degrees - from the very fearful to the minimally fearful - but fearful anyway. We all inevitably have to make the journey to the otherside - crossing over is inevitable, whoever you are. For the average, good, honest person with an open mind there should be no fear at all. Some of these who are highly religious have been indoctrinated with eternal damnation and unnecessarily fear death, even when their conduct on earth has been relatively good. The spiritually advanced and those who have been making contact with afterlife intelligences usually do not fear death at all - in fact they welcome it. There are those others who know they fundamentally violated others, were consistently cruel, nasty, selfish, corrupt, abused their power; some of these may try to kid themselves there is no afterlife but others know and feel within themselves there is accountability. Naturally enough they are terrified of death and expect more than just darkness when they cross over. My advice to all? Read as much as you can about the afterlife and you will remove the fear of death - guaranteed. I suggest you start off by reading Chapter 29 WHAT HAPPENS TO YOU WHEN YOU DIE.

SEARCHING FOR A SOULMATE who will be with you even in the afterlife? Love, we are informed by high afterlife intelligences "is the most powerful force in the universe" .‘Opening to Love'
FREE Audio Download
. If you’re searching for your soulmate or life partner, we recommend this powerful guided meditation from bestselling author Katherine Woodward Thomas.
Drawing on her acclaimed spiritual approach to finding love, it will help you open your heart to become available for the love you’ve been yearning for. Download it free now at www.callingintheone.com


"CHURCHILL'S WITCH" Fascinating Read...
Michael Colmer graciously sent us a review copy of "Churchill's Witch" the long awaited book about materialization medium Helen Duncan which will be published on Helen Duncan's birthday- November 25th. It will be available as an e-book online. Michael Colmer, is a former British Fleet Street journalist - who spent 20 years on "The Times" and "Financial Times". Michael has been a Spiritualist medium for three decades and has lectured to many groups around the world on different aspects of the paranormal. Order your copy now...

DO ALL ANIMALS SURVIVE PHSYICAL DEATH? With animals becoming close members of many families this is one of the most popular questions about the afterlife. Information that pets that have been loved while on earth survive in the afterlife has come from every country– through near death experiences, mediumship, after death contacts etc. It has been repeated over time and space. How do pets survive? Silver Birch tells us that loving your pet raises the vibrations of the pet so it can join you in the sphere where you are. All animals survive, we are told, but in their own areas. And it is interesting to note that while Christianity has traditionally taught that animals do not survive death some 60 so-called "well known Christian teachers" have now stated their own belief to the contrary in this book and a number of others. Read more..

YOUR LEGAL QUESTIONS ANSWERED BY VICTOR ZAMMIT: 'SERVICE TO MY REGULAR READERS AND TO THE COMMUNITY': whilst this has nothing to do with afterlife matters, over the many years of doing afterlife research, I received many questions from my regular readers who needed legal advice but did not have the money to go to a lawyer. Accordingly, I have put on the website a special section for the many legal questions/answers (eg. negligence, defamation, police matters, murder, assault, divorce, Wills, probate, property, claims against insurance co's., leases, marriage rights, medical assault, police radars - and for other, click on archives on the blog) for for my regular readers - and for general readership and information.
Read more ... http://victorzammit.wordpress.com/

BEQUESTS: It is vitally important that professional accredited and registered afterlife researchers be given funding so that they can help the world understand that there is an afterlife. After you have provided for your family in your will consider making a bequest which will bring about ‘LIGHT’ on a global level after you’ve gone. So far, we can highly recommend the following legally registered organizations who will use your funding to benefit humanity:

* Sonia Rinaldi's IPATI- Brazilian based research on ITC
* The American Association of Electronic Voice Phenomena
* The Windbridge Institute for applied research
* The Forever Family Foundation
Mark Macy's World ITC- American based research on ITC
* Rhine Research Centre- Institute for Parapsychology
In the future we will include other registered organizations which are doing afterlife research. Please email for details.

MUSIC TO SOOTH THE SOUL: Andrea Bocelli and Sarah Brightman sing TIME TO SAY GOODBYE – one of our all time favorites.


Copyright © 2008 Victor and Wendy Zammit.  All rights reserved.