A Lawyer Presents the Case for the Afterlife


Afterlife News Report November 16th 2007


Many thanks to Caroline Bennet who has started a discussion group on the online networking site Facebook where members of this mailing list can meet each other and exchange ideas. She writes
"This group is designed for anyone interested in the existence of the afterlife - whether you are a medium yourself or highly sceptical. Please spread the word and invite others to join!"
You have to join Facebook (free) and go to the group page at http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=6417546403

“I contacted Martha Copeland at her "Big Circle" website and from there started putting together The Circle UK EVP Group. My first EVP recording was left on my voice recorder whilst it was turned off. This got me very interested and yes, at the start I was very skeptical so I had to keep a very open mind. My first couple of recordings I did I can only describe as hundreds of voices all speaking at once. On the next recording I obtained a very clear audible recording from a male saying "Hello Cat nice to meet with you" and many other EVP recordings followed. I then started to receive EVP messages from my grandmother, mother and brother and once this happened the gates seemed to open.” Read more.


SONIA RINALDI from Brazil is doing most wonderful work in Instrumental Trans-communication (ITC) - communicating with those who crossed over. She has around 1,700 members in her group. Her afterlife research confirms what other afterlife researchers are getting: wonderful communication with those who crossed over. I first contacted Sonia eighteen years ago – and regularly she has stunned so many people with the wonderful results she is getting. You can read more about Sonia's work at http://www.worlditc.org/h_09_rinaldi_0.htm
and in past newsletter of the AAEVP.

INTELLIGENT PEOPLE WHO MISS THE TRUTH: we sometimes come across highly intelligent people whose own personal beliefs and comfort zone will not allow anything inconsistent to filter through. They decide to remain in darkness rather than investigate the evidence for the afterlife. In professional debate, any submission not rebutted will remain valid. This means the afterlife evidence is valid and will remain valid until the evidence is rebutted – if it can ever be rebutted. Note: objective and repeatable evidence is impossible to rebut.

A big thank you to John Ivens, who has been helping out with editing and checking links. He just sent this great quote:
"What happens after death is so unspeakably glorious, that our imagination and feelings do not suffice to form even an approximate conception of it. The dissolution of our time-bound form in eternity, brings no loss of meaning"-----Carl Jung. Letters, Volume 1.

"YOU CAN’T REBUT THE NEGATIVE" is the most ridiculous statement one can make when it comes to afterlife evidence. I, as the lawyer plaintiff presented some twenty two areas of afterlife evidence which shows in absolute terms that there is an afterlife. I keep hearing a flamboyant skeptic from Florida repeating this nonsense: 'you can't prove the negative'. And too many low level skeptics swallowed that nonsense hook, line and sinker, making fools of them! The skeptical debunker erroneously thinks I am asking the debunkers to prove there is no afterlife. NO, that's NOT what I'm doing. I suggest to him to obtain professional advice from expert litigation lawyers. In professional debate, the onus shifts onto the skeptical debunker defendant to show where, when, how and why the expressly stated evidence for the afterlife cannot be valid. This has NEVER been done by anyone from around the world. Translated this means that there IS an afterlife!

Those debunkers who are most vocal in attacking the evidence for the afterlife are also vigorous opponents of alternative healing methods. As I mentioned last week, like more than 36% of the population (2007 Mayo Clinic guide to alternative medicine) I use anything that gets positive results. My hay fever disappeared altogether some twenty years ago when I used acupuncture. Before that, I was miserable every springtime using traditional antihistamine drugs where the pain equaled the hay fever itself. But why are they so silent about pharmaceutical drugs which have not been proven to be safe? The U.S. Vioxx company Merck Sharp and Dhome apparently paid over five billion dollars in damages to those who took their drug Vioxx for arthritis. Is it not then hypocrisy pushed to its extreme when the skeptical debunkers keep quiet about harmful, unsafe pharmaceutical drugs when they claim alternative health treatments are so damaging? Does not their quietness on this issue negate their credibility as objective investigators?

WOLRD’S MOST EMINENT SCIENTISTS ACCEPTED THE AFTERLIFE AFTER INVESTIGATING: “The world's most eminent scientists are not usually associated with the dim-lit surroundings of a clairvoyant's parlor. But some of science's biggest names have not only dabbled in, but been entirely convinced by the world of the seance. Guglielmo Marconi, Alexander Graham Bell and John Logie Baird (pictured) - inventor of television - are familiar to most for the household indispensables they invented. But the attraction to spiritualism they all shared is definitely not part of the GCSE science syllabus. All three men, and many other Victorian scientific pioneers, became involved with the religion, which depended on strange forces being demonstrated through bizarre phenomena.” Read more …

We seem to have sorted out the formatting issue for the Youtube videos. Only one person reported difficulty watching the latest one on Near Death Experiences. There are now seven videos by Victor about afterlife matters (no, he's not competing with Brad Pitt for this year’s Oscar!). Considering afterlife matters are highly esoteric, these videos are proving to be very informative and popular.

THE SPIRITS’ BOOK by Allan Kardec –is an extremely important book for those who study afterlife matters. We highly recommend it.There are some 1019 channeled questions answered directly from the afterlife. For those new to it there is a good summary on wikipedia at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Spirits_Book
You can order a new translation from the
Alan Kardec Education Society
or read it online at

Michael Talbot writes in The Holographic Universe (at p.211) "The Literature is filled with examples of people who were able to use their precognitive glimpses of the future to avoid disasters, instances in which individuals correctly foresaw the crash of a plane and avoided death by not getting on, or had a vision of their children being drowned in a flood and moved them out of harms way just in time. There are nineteen documented cases of people who had precognitive glimpses of the sinking of the Titanic- some were experiences by passengers who paid attention to their premonitions and survived, some were experienced by passengers who ignored their forebodings and drowned..:

I've always been a great fan of remote viewer Joseph McMoneagle who, beginning in 1995 has demonstrated more than 95 remote viewings live on camera on national television in six countries. His overall success rate for more than 90 targets currently exceeds 90 per cent, all filmed under scientific protocol in front of live audiences. For some of Joe's recent cases see his blog.http://blog.mceagle.com/
But what is even more astonishing is that Joe has repeatedly demonstrated in scientifically controlled experiments that he can remote view future events .See short video.

Are there going to be major changes to the Earth in the next few years? The consensus of psychic visionaries is yes, but how severe they will be depend on our collective consciousness writes psychologist Dr Chet Snow in his book Mass Dreams of the Future.
Snow worked with past life regressionist Dr Helen Wambach who discovered she could also project hypnotized subjects into future lives. When the reports of 2,500 people who participated in the project were tallied virtually all of the respondents agreed that the population of the earth had decreased dramatically. However they seemed to be divided into four categories each relating to a different possible future. One group saw a future where people lived in space stations wore silvery suits and ate synthetic food; another group reported happier and more natural lives dedicated to learning and spiritual development; a third group described a bleak mechanical future where people lived in underground cities and cities enclosed in domes and bubbles and the fourth group saw survivors living in a world of post global disaster. Science fiction? Possibly, although Wambach's subjects had impressive accuracy when it came to describing conditions in the past. Snow argues that we create our own destiny both individually and collectively and the four scenarios are a glimpse into possible futures that the current consciousness of the human race is creating for itself.

Instead of building bomb shelters or moving to higher ground to avoid the "Earth Changes" predicted by some psychics, Dr Snow recommends that we all spend time believing in and visualizing a positive future. "If we are continually shaping our future physical reality by our collective thoughts and actions, then the time to wake up to the alternative we have created is now." There are many organizations which are focusing on directing collective thought towards world peace positively. What kind of an Earth do you want to be reincarnated into?

ALLISON DUBOIS, IRRESISTABLY ALLURING: Allison received a most fantastic welcome in Australia, especially in Sydney. The big hall was packed - people standing at the back. Allison has wonderful charisma and came across with so much wit, good humor and compassion. She looked so good, most impressive, irresistibly alluring and had a strong, powerful presence. She is a brilliant ambassador for mediumship. The people loved her - they were very warmly responsive to her wit and to the occasional sharp one liners. Hundreds of people queued up to meet her and have her sign books. But it was nice to see her in person not too far from where we were sitting. A really memorable night!

IS R DAWKINS DELUDED? Negative observer and highly influential Dawkins wrote a book against the belief in and the existence of God. He’s got every right to his beliefs. But I am an empiricist and have expertise in evidence with specialty in the Law of Cause and Effect. All astronomers agree there is some kind of unexplained intelligence in the universe, even Einstein said that – otherwise all planets and stars will just haphazardly collide. On a more micro analysis, e.g. the molecule, the atom, we see order. Whenever I came across materialists, their comment is that ‘chance’ brought intelligence in everything – chance in the universe, chance in evolution, chance in the growth process, chance in DNA, chance in gravitation, chance in light, chance in the molecule, chance in the atom, chance in this and in that etc etc. To me as an independent observer I have no qualms in conceding that there has to be an intelligence CAUSE to bring about intelligent EFFECT. No scientist has been able to show how an intelligent effect came about without an intelligent cause. I have no qualms at all calling this intelligent first CAUSE God. See next item criticizing negative observer Richard Dawkins:

MATERIALIST BIOLOGIST ACADEMIC RICHARD DAWKINS CRITICISED: “While Richard Dawkins' polemic against religion scores easy points against Christian fundamentalisms, he supposes his target to be much vaster: "I am not attacking any particular version of God or gods. I am attacking God, all gods". Given The God Delusion's lack of extended argument, historical ignorance and unfamiliarity with the literature, the praise it has received from some distinguished scientists is troubling. Read more...

NEXT WEEK...FREE COPY OF VICTOR'S BOOK - just pay for the postage.
An ideal opportunity to introduce a friend or relative to the most important information they will ever come across. Details next week.


Have a great week- Victor and Wendy

