A Lawyer Presents the Case for the Afterlife


Victor's Friday Report


Afterlife News Report November 9th 2007


A credible witness talks with Wendy about his experiences attending sessions with materialization medium David Thompson during the October 2007 UK tour.
1. Precautions against fraud (listen)
2. Seeing ectoplasm (listen)
3. Houdini materializes a coin (listen)
4. David's cardigan reversed (listen)
5 . Successful psychic surgery (listen)
6 . The whole world needs to know (listen)

We are told by those in the afterlife dimension that these words of Oskar Schindler (pictures) in the movie Schindler's List when looking back at his life are unfortunately all too common. So many people are overcome with regret that they wasted many opportunities while on the earth plane. Later in life people start to think about what they did with their life, the things they could have done, the contribution they could have made. True there are those who are able to make plans for the future and also those who neglect to prepare for the future. It appears that not too many people understand the concept of time - that time is relatively very short. Think back the last ten years - how quickly these last ten years had gone by. For those who are older - think back the last 15, 20, 30 years - how time just passed them by. There are materialists I met who think they're going to live a thousand years! Whoever you are, wherever you come from, according to the authority transmitted by highly credible sources, one thing is definitely certain: we will be accountable for the acts and omissions. The average decent person- especially those with an open mind- have nothing to worry about on crossing over. Those who are doing all they can to continue to develop spiritually - given their circumstances - should do very well!

Thanks to all the people who have written so positively about the videos on Youtube. I have an video expert coming on the weekend to work out the best format for universal access so hopefully the problems with picture quality will soon be overcome. I'm also putting the final touches to a video on Near Death Experiences. These are the videos currently available in wmv format (not good for Macs I'm told)
David Thompson's Materializations

The Afterlife on Trial
A Lawyer on the Afterlife

What Happens When you Die
Suicide is not the answer
Religion and the Afterlife

Cryonics is the preservation of legally dead humans or pets at very low temperature (below -200ºF, -130ºC) in the hope that future science can restore them to life, youth and health. We are informed from highly credible sources that once the silver cord is severed from the physical body, permanent death takes place. We are also informed that a physical body without a spirit cannot come to life again and that those who are in the afterlife in the realm of the light would NOT want to come back to a dark, coarse earth - with so many huge problems.


In his work as a Christian Uniting Church minister/grief counselor Rob Smith believes he developed a receptivity to receiving contacts from the ethereal realms. When he began to investigate the afterlife using EVP he quickly got results and had identifiable contacts from his mother, his grandfather and maternal grandmother. Since that time (1988) Rob has done great work exploring empirical evidence for the afterlife. Read Rob’s story and check out his new website which has lots of great material.


It takes about 2 mins to download but this video interview with Dr Jim Tucker who talks about the reincarnation research of the University of Virginia is worth watching. He is one of a number of experts and experiencers whose interviews are featured on In Another Life- Interviews.
It’s interesting to learn that the wonderful academic research on the afterlife at the University of Virginia came about because of a bequest by Chester Carlson, inventor of the Xerox machine.


A wonderful 5 minute video introduction to reincarnation can be downloaded at http://www.ial.goldthread.com/ (select View trailer). The full video is a very professional production and if you live outside the U.S. and Canada you can purchase a copy $25.00 plus S&H. Highly recommended for personal collections or get your local library to buy it. If you are in the US ask your nearest PBS station to broadcast it.

I receive a lot of emails from people concerned that a belief in reincarnation means that their loved ones will be not be waiting for them but will have reincarnated and have moved on. The highly credible information we get is that love is the most powerful force in the universes and that those with whom we have a heart to heart connection will, under normal circumstances, be waiting for us.

The primary purpose of the Survival Research Institute of Canada (SRIC) is to investigate whether some part of human consciousness or personality survives physical death and whether that surviving "spirit" is able to communicate with the living. Check out its webpage

I’ve just watched the show again – a brilliant series on cable television. In picking cases for the show Robyn Hutt, producer of the show, says that they are only interested in cases which have been solved with the help of a psychic, not cases where a psychic has been “involved”. They then interview the actual police officers who were involved in the investigation and “we have had investigators who will say -- such as the case with Noreen Renier -- that they could not have solved the case without the information that she provided them”.

One skeptical debunker tried to discredit Etta Smith, the psychic who was so accurate she was arrested. The very first episode of Psychic Detectives was about a woman named Etta Smith who voluntarily went into the police department to report that a woman had been abducted, that she was having visions of a young woman who she thought was a nurse, who had been abducted by two men in a pickup truck. Some detectives (notably not the one detective who had worked with her and later gave evidence on her behalf) felt that she couldn't know that information unless she was involved in the crime. Eventually, she located the body of the missing nurse, on her own and was promptly arrested. Of course she was eventually cleared and given compensation. The skeptic claims that her evidence should not have been believed because it was a “one off” psychic vision and that it is more likely that she knew where the body was because the “killers came from Pacoima where Etta Smith was living at the time”– and therefore she must have been involved’! Wow, what brains to come to THAT defamatory conclusion by the debunker!! These show how stubbornly ignorant and stupid these closed minded skeptical debunkers can be: why did not the debunker explain that it was Etta Smith who volunteered the information to the police? Or that she did not ask the police or anybody else for any money – not even for out of pocket expenses? The report I came across stated that the results of the lie detector test shows there was insufficient information to come to any conclusion. She did NOT fail the test as the skeptic reported. A psychic can get location by a one off remote viewing – a psychic does not have to use a pendulum as the skeptic insists! And why would she, as the debunker claimed, ‘was protecting her source’ when in fact she was reported the matter to the police herself? It is NOT credible to state that on the one hand she was protecting someone and at the same time she went to assist the police in finding the killers. Some skeptical debunkers will lie, cheat, misconstrue, twist things to suit their deeply negative beliefs – even if they have to maliciously defame gifted psychics.

Subtitled A Road trip through the afterlife
A new movie opening in the US this week is an odd sort of otherworldly road movie, in which Fugit's character, Zia, travels through a blue-tinged afterlife populated solely by those who have committed suicide, filled with familiar settings and few smiles. "Everything's the same here," observes Zia, whose wristcutting was prompted by a breakup with his girlfriend. "It's just a little bit worse."

BOOK REVIEW- Suicide: What Really Happens in the Afterlife?
by Jon Klimo (Author), Pamela Heath
"Exceptional! There is no other book anywhere that approaches the subject of suicide from 360 degrees as does this book, nor as thoroughly, nor with such a high standard of integrity—and in readable, easy-to-understand fashion."
- P. M. H. Atwater, L.H.D.,

Book Description

This provocative study explores what happens to those who commit suicide. Drawing on communications from the spirits of more than 100 'successful' suicides, it offers an intriguing look at what the dead themselves say about suicide, its repercussions, and their experiences in the afterlife. Bringing together the channeled messages of three types of suicide—traditional suicide, assisted suicide, and the suicide mass murder adopted by terrorists—the book covers a wide range of topics, including why people commit suicide, what it is like to cross over, adjustment problems, what suicides would say to those left behind, and what they would tell others thinking of taking their own lives. Additionally, the book conveys powerful messages from suicide bombers, warning potential terrorists of the serious karmic consequences that await them. For anyone contemplating suicide or euthanasia, the book offers profound, sometimes unsettling, insight into the ramifications of these acts. Read more…

: I have a motto I want to share with you: judge by results! Forget the losers and defeatists of this world who keep on babbling that homeopathy does not work. Interesting, these critics are never heard attacking the pharmaceutical drugs that actually injured and even killed people. The only way is to try homeopathy yourself – if it works for you, use it. Critics have stated that some EIGHTY PER CENT of pharmaceutical drugs do not work. Recently I came across the research findings of Dr Parimal Banerji in India whose advanced homoeopathic treatments are based on 45 years of research work covering clinical observations of millions of patient visits and disease states. His system has been internationally adopted by hundreds of leading Homeopaths. Those who have adopted this technique have significantly improved the efficacy of their practice and consequently the popularity of their practise too.

What were the best spiritual movies and performances of last year? Find out below who won this year's Judges' Awards and People's Awards for Best Spiritual Film, Best Spiritual Performance, and Best Spiritual Documentary. Then read the debate and watch clips of the nominees. Read more…

