A Lawyer Presents the Case for the Afterlife


Victor's Friday Report

Afterlife News October 12th 2007

SIR FRANCIS BACON, a reminder for the open minded skeptic, "Read not to contradict and confute, nor to believe and take for granted, but weigh and consider."

A GREAT PHILOSOPHER denounces closed minded skepticism:“The discovery of truth is prevented more effectively, not by the false appearance of things present and which mislead into error, not directly by weakness of the reasoning powers, but by preconceived opinion, by PREJUDICE.” Arthur Schopenhauer, German philosopher (1788-1860).

PROFESSOR ALBERT EINSTEIN’S own paranormal assessment, “People like us, who believe in physics, know that the distinction between past, present and future is only a stubbornly persistent illusion.”

FORMER CIA CONSULTANT TRIUMPHS OVER SKEPTIC: Prof Ray Hyman, whose conduct shows that he is a deeply entrenched skeptical debunker admitted defeat regarding Professor Jessica Utts’ report for the CIA about the paranormal activity sponsored by the CIA. He said, “I agree with Professor Jessica Utts (pictured) that the effect sizes reported in the SAIC experiments and in the recent ganzfeld studies probably cannot be dismissed as due to chance. Nor do they appear to be accounted for by multiple testing, filedrawer distortions, inappropriate statistical testing or other misuse of statistical inference … So, I ACCEPT Professor Utts’ assertion that the statistical results of SAIC and other parapsychologists experiments “are far beyond what is expected by chance.”

STUNNING PARANORMAL RESULTS- ‘BILLION BILLION TO ONE’: SRI Experiments 1973-1988. In 1988 Edwin May and his colleagues analyzed all psi experiments conducted at SRI from 1973 until that time. The analysis was based on 154 experiments, consisting of more that 26,000 separate trials, conducted over those sixteen years. Of those, just over a thousand trials were laboratory REMOTE VIEWING tests. The statistical results of this ananlysis indicated odds aganst chance of more than a BILLION BILLION to ONE. As it clearly be seen chance is not a viable explanation for such results. For more details see Dr Dean Radin's (pictured) THE CONSCIOUS UNIVERSE

VICTOR ON AFTERLIFE VIDEO – just like ‘addressing the jury’!: there has been huge interest in the video I made and put on the website two weeks ago. The response far exceeded my expectations. Thank you all for your most wonderful, positive response. One cute response came from someone who was once on the jury in the Supreme Court – she said my presentation was exactly just like a lawyer addressing the jury! This week's video - my second about What Happens When You Die was made to-day Friday.

Tom Harrison spent more than ten years sitting in a materialization circle with his mother, the medium Minnie Harrison. Psychic investigator David Fontana says of Tom “I do not believe I have met a man of greater integrity on the course of my research”. To see an interview where Tom talks about his experiences see interview The Science of Eternity Part 3 (start from 3 minutes 30) And Part 4

WHY IS PHYSICAL MEDIUMSHIP SO RARE TODAY? . Read my thoughts on this subject at the end of Chapter 10 and the thoughts of Michael Tymn on his blog at http://metgat.zaadz.com/blog (September 29th post).

HELPFUL HINTS ON CONSULTING A MEDIUM OR PSYCHIC: Some Practical Do's and Don'ts and What to Look Out For and How Not to Get Cheated. "There are many very good, ethical, fair, and honest mediums and psychics, and the service which they can render to the seeking soul is, truly, priceless; but you have to know what to look out for. Use this information as a guideline in your quest and you will find what you need". Read more

Want to hear about a Siamese cat that made its presence known through EVP? Want to hear How Tom and Lisa Butler were able to use Hemi-Sync frequencies to easily make contact with their friends and loved ones now on the other side? Want to see photos of Sonia Rinaldi’s latest research into ITC? These accounts are all in Tom and Lisa Butler’s quarterly newsletter for Association members Membership at $30 per year is highly recommended http://aaevp.com/online_membership_form.htm

: was interview by Dr. Shirley MacLaine this week for her members-only internet program: "Independent Expression." The show went to air on September 30, 2007 at 6:00 PM Pacific, 9 PM Eastern and is available in the IE archives.
Visit: http://www.shirleymaclaine.com for more information on how to join IE and access streamed and archived shows in Real Audio, QuickTime and Media Player at http://snipurl.com/1rkuf

FAMILY FLEE FROM HAUNTED HOUSE According to Dublin’s Evening Herald Martha Cousins and her family of three children have fled their home in Eire because they were “regularly attacked by resident ghosts”. This sounds very like the famous Enfield Poltergeist case which was investigated for five months by Guy Lyon Plairfair and Morris Grosse. Read more.

FOR WOMEN: THIS IS VERY SERIOUS! Three or more drinks a day, whether beer, wine or spirits, boost a woman's risk of breast cancer as much as smoking a pack of cigarettes, research has found. Read more.

A book by Kevin Williams (292 pages) which analyzes 62 NDEs and gives the reasons why there is nothing on earth that is better than being dead. Download now


