A Lawyer Presents the Case for the Afterlife


Victor's Friday Report

Afterlife News October 19th 2007

STUNNING MATERIALIZATIONS OF DAVID THOMPSON IN SCOTLAND: We have received the following report from the team traveling with David in Scotland:

“The Glasgow part of the tour went exceedingly well. We were fortunate enough to experience ectoplasm in red light, which everyone (41 people) was able to see. There were the lovely reunions which brought a tear to everyone's eye, including a Scottish mother, a grandfather and a father with verifiable private information. Materialized Timothy seems to be getting more and more accomplished with his trumpet and ectoplasmic hand displays.

We had David brought out of trance and his gag removed. The red light was then placed on for witnesses to check his binds. He was then asked to describe what happened to him next as he was levitated in his chair and suspended for about 2 minutes about 1 meter in the air and 2 meters from the cabinet. William spoke to the audience and David before departing and lowering David. Again the binds were checked by witnesses and all was in order.

The highlight for me of the two evenings was the full materialization of Silver Birch into the room. He gave an inspirational address before then approaching and touching some of the sitters. This is a first to my knowledge. Maurice Barbanell had introduced Silver Birch and reiterated that although Silver Birch had stated many years ago that he would no longer communicate, due to the state of the turmoil in the world, he felt it necessary to return and communicate again. The audio has been recorded and will be available shortly on the website, but in essence he stated that we are all from the one 'source' and that we need to tend more to our spiritual bodies than the physical bodies. He then questioned individuals as to why we hide our spiritual lights from the rest of the world? We need to show our lights to initiate change in the world.

The feeling in the room after Silver Birch had departed was palpable and everyone was thrilled to have witnessed the event. The conversations went long into the night.”

VICTOR ON VIDEO Number 5. The Youtube videos are popular because, among other things, as many stated, ‘now at least we can meet Victor face to face’. My fifth video is critically important because it has to do with religion. This specifically came about through feedback from my first video What Happens When You Die. There were those who wanted to know what happens to those extremists who use religion to hurt, to kill innocent people. We are preparing a number of videos about anything evidentiary and anything controversial about the afterlife.

MEET IN PERSON: ALLISON DUBOIS in Sydney- one of the greatest mediums in the world to-day: Friday 9th November Masonic Centre, 66 Goulburn St., Sydney is the inspiration behind the hit TV series 'Medium' and is the bestselling author of Don't Kiss Them Goodbye, We are Their Heaven and Secrets of the Monarch. Tickets $20. Books available at Adyar Bookshop, York St. City phone 02-9267-8509 www.adyar.com.au/adyar/ Allison Dubois also gave me an attestation for my hard copy of the BOOK click top right.

The Shift, a massive worldwide phenomenon is in progress, offering seeds of great hope for the future. Watch this stunning movie trailer.

I received a very touching letter on behalf of a NDE experience who feels sure she experienced the afterlife. Her friend writes:

“Having been raised as a strict Catholic she couldn’t believe it (the aferlife) because there had been no judgment! Finally she accepted as fact that the only judgment at death is self-judgment. The good or bad things you have done are of minor importance. What really counts is the type of person you have become. There is no question in her mind; she knows that Unconditional Love exists. She felt it in her garden. There, for the very first time in her life, she felt safe. She knows now that she is a spiritual being and that the purpose of this life is spiritual growth. There is no death; only the body dies. J also believes that she is not alone and has never been alone. Help is always available; synchronicities are not just “meaningful coincidences” but are physical evidence of “divine intervention.”

But J had major difficulties when she returned in reconciling what she had experienced with the strict teachings of the Catholic Church and she wrote to applaud my “Open Letter To The Pope”. She writes “Finally someone with authority is speaking out for me!"

Out today- a must-have for anyone interested in the afterlife, this brand new 450 page book by P.M.H. Atwater contains information that will surprise you.“We know so much more than we used to, and what we know today about the near-death experience. . . is utterly stunning!... (NDEs) are no longer automatically associated with hallucinations, oxygen deprivation, the dying brain syndrome, or mental derangement.”
Read more…. http://snipurl.com/1saqz

Bruce Moen and his fellow explorers of afterlife dimensions using out of body techniques have identified a fascinating area in the afterlife which they call the “Hollow Heavens” . Because like attracts like in the afterlife and because your beliefs have a massive impact on what you experience, closed minded religionists find themselves in a “heaven” where they are the only residents. They continue to practice their religion exactly as they did while alive. It is only when they start to question their beliefs that they start to resonate at a different frequency and perhaps find themselves “evicted” from heaven and taken to the real realms of the light.

This is consistent with an account given by Monsignor Benson (pictured), through medium Anthony Borgia (various books)
and with What William has told us through medium David Thompson.
Read http://snipurl.com/1sb03
Listen http://snipurl.com/1sb05.

QUESTION: WHERE IS THE AFTERLIFE? It is the invisible and the inaudible side of the world in which you live. You are as much now in the world of spirit as you ever will be. You will not go there when you pass from your world, you are in the spirit world now. You cannot register it unless you have developed the gifts of the spirit so that you can tune into all its vibrations and frequencies, or whatever word you care to use. It is not another world. It is an integral part of the universe of which earth is but one aspect. (S. Birch: Book on Questions & Answers)

NZ SENSING MURDER STORM: A New Zealand episode of ‘SENSING MURDER’ where gifted mediums relate brilliant information about a past crime, caused quite a storm when shown recently on television and was dramatic enough to provoke the materialists to attack the show. The materialists erroneously said – something which would be inadmissible in a court of law, “ … the evidence cannot be right because there is no afterlife and because scientists reject the paranormal’. WRONG!!! These uninformed materialists are completely ignorant of and do not know about the ‘new scientists’ and their confirmation that the paranormal exists. Physicists are discovering no conflict at all between physics and belief in the paranormal and the afterlife. Indeed they are showing that the phenomena we now call “paranormal” are normal and consistent with the laws of science.

THE 'NEW SCIENCE' SUPPORTS THE PARANORMAL/AFTERLIFE. SCIENCE IS SPLIT: These days scientists are in two camps: the ‘new scientists’ who accept the paranormal and the orthodox scientists, who are materialists and deny the existence of the paranormal.

Below are some of the new scientists who are bringing about the revolution in science:

Professor Fred Alan Wolf: “There is evidence that suggests the existence of a non-material, non-physical universe that has a reality even though it might not as yet be clearly perceptible to our senses and scientific instrumentation.”

Sir Oliver Lodge, one of the greatest physicists of all times, accepted life after death after using his scientific genius to prove it. He was a founder of the Society for Psychical Research.

Dr Harold Puthoff, a physicist and current Director of the Institute for Advanced Studies in Austin, Texas.

Professor Russell Targ a physicist and author who pioneered the development of the laser.

Professor Dr Ernst Senkowski a professor of physics and electronics who conducted intensive paranormal and afterlife research for over twenty years.

Dr Amit Goswami, a former Professor of Physics at the Institute of Theoretical Sciences at the University of Oregon.

Professor John Bokris. In his book The New Paradigm--A Confrontation Between Physics and the Paranormal Phenomena (2005) he discusses evidence for the paranormal, including telepathy, near-death experiences, out-of-body travel, mediumship, reincarnation, apparitions, possession, distant healing, and other phenomena

Dr. Claude Swanson. He has collated the "best evidence" illustrating the inadequacy of our present scientific paradigm. In his book, The Synchronized Universe, he describes scientifically controlled remote viewing and ESP experiments, demonstrations of long-range healing, psychokinesis (mind over matter), scientifically controlled experiments in levitation, teleportation and out of body phenomena (OBE).

Dr Dean Radin. In his new book Entangled Minds (2006) he contends that those who think that science has no place for the paranormal do not know what they are talking about. He writes: “new discoveries in science are forcing an expansion to ideas of who and what we are, and that those who are most hostile to this topic know little or nothing about the evidence”.

Professor Jessica Utts and Nobel laureate Dr Brian Josephson. They state that science needs to adapt to accommodate the evidence. They write: What are the implications for science of the fact that psychic functioning appears to be a real effect? These phenomena seem mysterious, but no more mysterious perhaps than strange phenomena of the past which science has now happily incorporated within its scope (Utts and Josephson 1996).

These physicists and other scientists--some of the most inspired and most brilliant scientific minds on earth--are stating that there is an overwhelming amount of evidence to support the paranormal and the afterlife.


