A Lawyer Presents the Case for the Afterlife

Some of the physicists who accepted the paranormal and the afterlife


Some of the brilliant physicists and scientists who used their science who accepted the paranormal and/or the afterlife.


PARANORMAL/AFTERLIFE: NOBEL LAUREATE PROFESSOR BRIAN JOSEPHSON is Professor of Physics at Cambridge, Cambridge University and as ascientist he is strongly in favor of the (empirical) paranormal…' Read Prof Josephson's most insightful article…

BRILLIANT PHYSICIST CONFIRMS THE EXISTENCE OF THE AFTERLIFE: author, scientist and empiricist DR Jan W. Vandersande Ph.D. has based the afterlife evidence on his own 8 year investigation. His new book, which I very highly recommend, Life After Death: Some of the Best Evidence, is now available on

has excelled as a working scientist, a professional physicist dedicated to pushing back the frontiers of cutting edge technology, large-system simulation, technology development and integration, and complex system vulnerability and risk analysis. Presently, and for the past 20 years, he has been at the heart of developing US missile defense systems. He also began researching altered states of consciousness with Bob Monroe (Journeys Out Of The Body, Far Journeys, and The Ultimate Journey) at Monroe Laboratories in the early 1970s where he and a few others were instrumental in getting Monroe's laboratory for the study of consciousness up and running. Campbell has been a serious explorer of the frontiers of reality, mind, consciousness, and psychic phenomena for the last thirty five years.

PROFESSOR IAN STEVENSON - afterlife evidence: one of the greatest psi empiricists in history who revolutionized perception on reincarnation - and life after death.

AFTERLIFE COMMUNICATION- DR KONSTANTINE RAUDIVE: (Latvia, Europe) - afterlife phenomenon. His classic Electronic Voice Phenomenon (EVP) research under the English title 'Breakthrough' was based on 72,000 afterlife 'spirit voices' he tape recorded from those living in the life after death. He was highly influential on a global level lecturing about EVP. Since his 'death' he has been actively communicating from the afterlife to researchers here on earth.

PROFESSOR CHARLES TART Core Faculty Institute of Transpersonal Psychology Palo Alto, California US. Charles is internationally known for his work on the nature of consciousness, as
one of the founders of the field of transpersonal psychology, and for his research in scientific parapsychology.

THE CONSCIOUS UNIVERSE by Dr Dean Radin has now been translate into several languages."Dr Radin is the Einstein of parapsychology" Dr Larry Dossey. "Radin shows the evidence in favor of (paranormal) existence is overwhelming."


DR HAROLD PUTHOFF, physicist, is currently the Director of the Institute for Advanced Studies in Austin, Texas. He has made significant contribution towards establishing empirically the validity of psi - especially for the CIA and military intelligence at StanfordUniversity.


PHYSICIST RUSSELL TARG - describes remote viewing research he conducted with sponsorship from the CIA and military intelligence establishment. He presents graphic illustrations of the tests that persuaded the government to fund this research. Physicist Targ suggests that the mind itself reaches to the far ends of the universe and it is this "non-local" quality, rather than any particular mechanism, that accounts for the remarkable data of parapsychology.

PROF. ERLENDUR HARARLDSSON. AFTERLIFE COMMUNICATION: This brilliant Professor and psychic researcher has done psychic research into life after death - apparitions, children who speak of a previous life, Icelandic mediums, deathbed visions and communicating with intelligences from the afterlife.

DR GLEN HAMILTON, one of the world's most respected scientists and most important brilliant afterlife empiricists from Canada who repeatedly showed that the afterlife (life after death) is fact by his most impressive paranormal experiments.


EMMANUEL SWEDENBORG from Sweden, the greatest scientist of his time, accepted the afterlife and repeatedly experienced psychic phenomena and Out of Body Experiences and wrote a great deal about life after death.

SIR WILLIAM BARRET, another great early British scientist investigated and accepted the afterlife - life after death , "I am absolutely convinced of the fact that those who once lived on earth can and do communicate with us."

J.J. THOMPSON, the discoverer of the ELECTRON is also on record for accepting the existence of psychic phenomena - with great implications for the afterlife/life after death.

DR DAVID BOHM (1917-94) 'was one of the foremost theoretical physicists of his generation. Bohm's challenge to the conventional understanding of quantum theory has led scientists to re-examine what it is they are doing and to question the nature of their theories and their scientific methodology. He brought together a radical view of physics, a deeply spiritual understanding and a profound humanity.

PROFESSOR CAMILLE FLAMMARION, French astronomer and popular author- afterlife implications. He is noted chiefly as the author of popular books on astronomy, including Popular Astronomy and The Atmosphere. He was later to write extensively on psychical research, and produced classic works such as "Death and Its Mystery," vols. 1, 2 and 3. One-time President of the SPR in 1923. - implications for life after death.

THE BRILLIANT LEGACY OF DR J.B. (and Louisa) RHINE: Scientists ahead of their time. We must never forget the brilliant contribution to empirical psi made by scientists Dr J B and Louisa Rhine. J B . Read more…

DR KARL PRIBRAM professor of neuropsychology at Stanford University, in the Department of Psychology and in the medical school. Dr. Pribram is the author of Languages of the Brain and hundreds of articles about the mind-brain relationship Read more about Dr Mishlove's brilliant interview with Dr Pribram- afterlife implications

Dr Fred Alan Wolf, a physicist, for years did an enormous amount of research into the afterlife (especially in psi quantum mechanics). He has conceded that the evidence for the afterlife is overwhelming. Dr Fred Alan Wolf was featured in that very intellectually stimulating movie WHAT THE BLEEP DO WE KNOW.

GERMAN PHYSICIST VALIDATES THE AFTERLIFE/PARANORMAL: German Professor Dr Ernst Senkowski after doing intensive paranormal and afterlife research for over twenty years repeatedly obtained positive paranormal and 'afterlife' results.his book INSTRUMENTAL TRANSCOMU-NICATION: the full German version
An English translation is being done:

DR AMIT GOSWAMI quantum physicist- after investigating the evidence for the afterlife - accepts the evidence! He is professor of physics at the Institute of Theoretical Sciences at the University of Oregon and author of numerous scientific papers and several books. His best: PHYSICS OF THE SOUL - the quantum book of living, dying, reincarnation and immortality (Available from

Frederick W.H. Myers was an absolute genius. A highly gifted Cambridge Classics scholar. His exceptionally brilliant afterlife contribution is his Cross Correspondences click chapter 14 BOOK top right.

GEORGE MEEK, AFTERLIFE INVESTIGATOR: A brilliant American engineer/inventor, designer and manufacturer of devices for air conditioning. He established the Metascience Foundation in Franklin, North Carolina, which sponsored the famous Spiricom research. This demonstrated extended two-way instrumental communication between people alive here on earth and people living in the afterlife dimension. - click on HALL OF FAME top left.

D. ALFRED WALLACE - ACCEPTED THE AFERLIFE, one of the greatest scientists of the past and credited with CHARLES DARWIN with being the co-founder of the theory of evolution. He was also one of the early pioneers in psychic research. He accepted that we survive physical death - there is life after death -see Wallace's psychic work in his book MIRACLES AND MODERN SPIRITUALISM, London, 1878

SIR WILLIAM CROOKES …championed the afterlife /life after death. Sir William was the most decorated scientist of his time being honored with honorary doctorates from many universities in Europe.

LORD ARTHUR BALFOUR, (KG, OM) In 1894 he occupied the presidential chair of the SPR. Especially interested in telepathy as it lent itself to experimental work. President of the SPR in 1893. President of the British Association in 1904- afterlife implications.

ASTRONAUT EDGAR MITCHELL, DOCTOR OFSCIENCE, Capt. USN, Apollo 14 astronaut who was the sixth to walk on the moon is a great supporter and activist of empirical paranormal.His 30 years research into the psychic and the paranormal is reaching new dimensions.Dr Edgar Mitchell founded the Institute of Noetic Sciences.

AFTERLIFE QUANTUM PHYSICS- accepts the afterlife can be empirically explained:: a brilliant presentation by scientist Ron Pearson – that quantum mechanics can explain ESP and afterlife phenomena. Ron Pearson’s model explains the entire spectrum of the so-called “paranormal” including mediumship, telepathy, psychokinesi psychometry, healing, apports, OOB’s, NDE’s and prediction. Read more …

Raymond Cass Foundation.
Raymond was the UK pioneer in the work related to the phenomenon known as EVP/afterlife ( Electronic Voice Phenomena). read more...

LAURENCE S. ROCKEFELLER, extremely wealthy American businessman, financially assisted psychic research in precognition and psychokinesis- afterlife implications.

LORD ARTHUR BALFOUR, (KG, OM)- - afterlife implications. Educated at Trinity College, Cambridge. Devoted himself to philosophical studies for many years. First went to Parliament in 1876. Published "A Defense of Philosophic Doubt" in 1879, pleading for individual freedom of thought as against the increasing dogmatism of science. Through his sister, the wife of Prof. Henry Sidgwick, the first president of the SPR, he became interested in psychic phenomena and the question of survival of death in 1882. In 1894 he occupied the presidential chair of the SPR. Especially interested in telepathy as it lent itself to experimental work. President of the SPR in 1893. President of the British Association in 1904.

LINKING AFTERDEATH WITH SUB ATOMIC PHYSICS Sir Oliver Lodge was one off the greatest scientists of the twentieth century. He influenced millions about the existence of the afterlife.Read his full lecture.

PROFESSOR JESSICA UTTS, Professor of Statistics University of California. With Nobel Laureate Professor Josephson wrote THE PARANORMAL: THE EVIDENCE AND ITS IMPLICATIONS FOR CONSCIOUSNESS - really brilliant work. Professor Jessica Utts also co-authored a report for psychic assessment at the request of U.S. Congress and the C.I.A.


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