Different Areas of Evidence for the Afterlife


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Psychic Detectives

There are many cases on record where gifted psychics and mediums have given police officers information about crimes. In many of these cases it was claimed that the information came clairvoyance, telepathy, remote viewing and precognition. In other cases it was claimed that the information came from the spirit of someone in the afterlife. The public has very little knowledge of these cases.

The best psychics are also gifted mediums

The most successful psychics (people who gather information using clairvoyance etc) are also mediums (people communicate directly with the spirit world). Not all psychics are mediums but all mediums are psychic.

Very few psychics are developed enough to be able to get information to solve crimes. The television program "Sensing Murder" tested 100 psychics who applied to be on the program. They were given a photo of a crime victim in a solved murder case and had to be able to give details of the crime- who the victim was, what happened who the killer. Only 5 out of 100 in Australia and 3 out of 75 in New Zealand were able to do this.

Amateur psychics make it hard for police

Police become very frustrated with amateur psychics. Many telephone the police with what they think is information and then tell the newspapers they have been called in "to consult" on the case. This is very annoying if the psychic is trying to promote their book or workshop. It wastes time and destroys the trust of police. It also makes it harder for police to work with gifted psychics in the future. And when the supposed involvement of the psychic does not bring results it adds to skepticism about psychics. In this article we are talking about what I call "forensic psychics"- psychics and mediums who can repeatedly look at the picture of a victim of a solved murder and produce accurate evidential details about the crime.

Why police can't make public their use of psychics and mediums.

Forensic psychics do not claim to be detectives and they do not claim to solve crimes. They can sometimes work with police to provide information that helps police to find missing persons, bodies, murder victims and physical evidence to convict criminals. It involves a high degree of trust on both sides and almost always the psychics work without payment.

There are very good reasons why police cannot make public their use of psychics and mediums.

1) Police are drilled in scientific procedures and forensic science. The culture is very skeptical.
2) The police want to appear able to do their job properly without help.
3 ) Government officials don't want to risk being criticized by the media and members of the public about police using psychics and mediums.
4 ) If it became public the police use psychics they would have hundreds of amateur psychics contacting them and wasting their time.
5) Suspects in murder cases could get a friend posing as a psychic to contact the police to give them false information.
6 ) Some psychics have been threatened and attacked because their involvement with police was made public. If police find a gifted psychic they want to protect them so they can continue to use them.

Why many forensic psychics don't go public.

1) Mediums and psychics usually do not get paid for police work. The often only do it as a service and don't particularly want to be overwhelmed with people wanting help with unsolved cases.
2 ) It is very stressful work as they experience all the fear and pain that the victim felt before they died.
3 ) They may feel ongoing pressure from the spirit of the victim to solve a case.
4 ) Even the best psychics and mediums are only 80% correct. The information comes to them in pieces.They have to interpret symbols and snatches of words. They sometimes feel enormous frustration when they can't give the police all the information they need.
5 ) Many psychics feel enormous responsibility when they aren't able to stop tragedies they can see happening in the future.
6 ) In a few cases (like the Etta Smith case 10 below) they have even been accused of committing the crime themselves.
7) Some of them have been threatened by criminals. Well known American psychic detective Dixie Yosarian claims to have been shot in the head three times and had her throat cut by a hit man hired to kill her (see video). On another occasion police were so concerned about her that they put her in a witness protection program.

Forensic psychic work is stressful

Most people have no idea how stressful the work of a psychic detective is. In this video you can see how four mediums are affected by what they do. They were were part of the top 5% of applicants chosen for the New Zealand program Sensing Murder.
A skeptical psychologist hired by the program becomes convinced that they would not go through what they do if they were not genuine.

  Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7

Senior police testify to the success of forensic psychics.

A number of detectives and senior police officers all over the world have been willing to risk criticism by their colleagues by giving video testimony.
These police officers would make excellent witnesses in court.

What can a skeptic say? That the police are all lying, are being fraudulent? That the police are all mistaken? That they are all incompetent? If the psychics are all frauds why do the police keep using them and say on television they will keep on using them?

In this example a retired police officer supports the use of psychics to help police investigations as psychic Annette Martin explains how she used psychomtery to solve a 35 year old case.

Forensic Psychic who found 27 bodies

Laurie McQuary from Lake Oswego Oregon USA claims that she has helped find the bodies of 27 murder victims in 26 years. "I've worked with a lot of detectives, some of them aren't comfortable talking about it. Some of them don't even want their department to know about it," said McQuary.
Watch video interview and read transcript


Police officers who became professional psychics There are many police officers who themselves have highly developed psychic skills and mediumship which they use in their work.

Keith Charles was a police officer in London England for 32 years. His duties ranged from guarding Prime Ministers at 10 Downing Street, members of the Royal Family at Buckingham Palace, to walking the late Queen Mother round her beautiful garden.He has investigated all manner of crimes from indecency to aggravated assaults. Keith has also been a medium for 23 years and claims to be in direct contact with victims of crimes who have died. He is also the author of two books "Psychic Cop" and "Psychic Detective".

Chuck Bergman
was a police officer in the USA for for 32 years. He is also a 3rd generation medium. He is featured in the Biography Channel's program Psychic Search. Chuck’s new book, “The Everything Guide to Evidence of The Afterlife,” is a scientific approach to the existence of life after death, along with actual-case readings.

Riley G Mathews Jr
was an officer in the NYPD & US Federal Government for 11 years. His highly developed paranormal abilities resulted in numerous important arrests and convictions. After his retirement from the NYPD with a line-of-duty injury, he joined forces from Sept 1990 - July 1995 with Police & Government Agencies around the world using his paranormal abilities to help solve crimes. Riley G now gives public as well as private demonstrations, and seminars related to the paranormal and demonstrations of telepathy, psychometry, and remote viewing.

Testimony of 100 skeptical police officers who were convinced after working with gifted forensic psychics.

The following are just some of the well documented cases of law enforcement officers who at first were very hostile to psychics. However now they are publicly saying that in some cases they could not have solved the case without their help.

This is not anecdotal evidence or hearsay. It is the testimony of identified reliable expert witnesses that would be accepted in a court of law reported in exactly the same words as were used originally in direct speech.

Case 1
Place:Oneida, New York
Case: Murder of four people
Psychic: Phil Jordan
Evidence produced: ten most relevant facts – which led to the arrest and conviction of three murderers now serving 100 years in prison each.

Police Comments:

1) Sheriff Bill Hasenaurer of Oneida Country Sheriff’s Office, 'I accept the psychics' role in helping with murder cases – and I will call them again – because they get results, “I am now a great believer” in psychics helping the police'.

2)Sgt. Lynton Clark of Oneida Sheriff’s Office completely agreed about the use of psychics in solving murders.

3)Kurt Hameline, Assistant D.A. of Oneida County stated words to the effect that using psychic was critical to catching the murderers.
Source: Court TV Psychic Detectives

Case 2
Place:Staunton, Virginia 1979
rape of five elderly women
Noreen Renier
Evidence produced:
identified where the rapist lived, how he did his crimes, how he entered the rooms, that he limped, that he wore a uniform and that he had a scar near his knee. Predicted accurately that he would be caught before Christmas. With that information, the police caught the rapist.

Police Comments:

1) Police Deputy Ronnie Whisman
“We (the police) were impressed by the psychic on the important information she was able to give us … everything she said about the case came true.”

2) Special agent Darrel Stilwell said, “ .. obviously she has power … (Noreen’s psychic skills) gives you a little extra something to work for.”
Source: Court TV Psychic Detectives


Case 3
Place: Monroeville
Missing person- Sylvester Tonet
Nancy Myer
Evidence produced:
Map showing the location of the body- he was found exactly where she said,

Police comments:

1) Plainclothes police officer Will Greeway said, "I was skeptical at first, but as Nancy began to forward information about the case, I knew I was dealing with a genuine psychic because all information was deadly accurate. Nancy Myer drew a map – showing roads, pond, the rail line, forest, ravine".
Source: Court TV Psychic Detectives

Case 4
: Tucson Arizona
Case: Missing person Loretta Bowerwstock.
Psychic: Mary Ann Morgan

Police Comments:

1) Detective Fabian Pachero of the Tucson Police “After being involved in this case, I can say I’m definitely less skeptical of employing the services of a psychic …”

2) Detective Landon Rankin of Pinal Sheriff’s Office said about the gifted psychic Mary Ann, “I’ve never used a psychic before until this case. The information she gave us was pin point accuracy … a psychic gives us insights that we don’t have.”


Case 5
Mt Pleasant Police Department (Iowa)
The brutal killing of Clementine Beavers and her sixteen year old daughter.
Phil Jordan

Police comments:
Police Chief August Hagers: “Psychics have their place … what Phil (the psychic) had seen was accurate … they (psychics) have something we don’t have … they have a sixth sense I would do it again and call psychic Phil Jordan.”

Source: Court TV Psychic Detectives

Case 6
Philadelphia Police Dept.
Missing person 21 year old female athlete Shilie Turner
Valerie Morrison- recommended by the FBI
Evidence produced:
The psychic also took on the feelings of the missing victim and stated there was enormous fear, in darkness, in tree-growth, shoes and jacket missing, buried in shallow grave, near religious fountain/ statute, trauma to the head, attacker knew the victim. The psychic in trance asked the mother, “where did you put me”. The mother screamed with panic. It was enough for the police to focus on that. Very soon afterwards the mother confessed she shot Shilie in the head. She was found guilty of murder and is doing time 15 years.

Police Comments:
Detective Frank Martin “
All the information given to us by the psychic was 100%.”
Source: Court TV Psychic Detectives

Case 7
Morris County
Debbie Keyes' ex-husband abducted 3 children against a court order
Nancy Weber
Evidence produced:
Nancy first told her that the specific information where her husband had taken the children – to Euless, Texas. When police checked it out they found that the children had been there but had been moved days earlier. But the psychic came up with a new address in Ramona, CA. From there the police actually spoke to a neighbor who told them that once again the children had just left – but gave them an address in Hawaii where the children had been taken. Debbie Keys- had not seen her children for thirteen months but Nancy Weber told her that one of her daughters had been attacked by a dog and was left with a scar on her face, but that she would be reunited with them soon. That’s exactly what happened – Debbie Keyes was reunited with her children – her daughter had a scar on her mouth caused by a dog!

Police Comments:
Detective Lou Masterbone
from Morris County Sheriff’s office: “If it wasn’t for Nancy Weber in this case we would not have gotten the children back … her insight, her help … we could not have done it without her.”
Source: Court TV Psychic Detectives

: The television show Sensing Murder recently in New Zealand caused a sensation when the most brilliant forensic psychic- mediums participated in the television show 'SENSING MURDER'. Brilliant forensic medium Deb Webber and Kelvin Qruickshank each independently were able to give some 43 correct variables, accurately describing a murder, WHERE the killing took place, HOW the murder took place, WHY the murder took place and WHO murdered the victim - naming the murderers .. Read more ...

Case 9
Montana Dept. of Justice
Disappearance of Walter Sullivan
Noreen Renier
Evidence produced:
She told them where an assault took place, description of the assault, that it was an ambush, that a blue metal building was important in solving the crime, and provided a sketch. Used psychometry in by touching a bullet and keys.

Police Comments:
Det. Joseph Uribe of Montana
Dept. of Justice stated that the account given by gifted psychic Noreen Renier was “accurate in every detail”.
Source: Court TV Psychic Detectives

Case 10

Place: Cheming County Sheriff’s department, Elmira, New York
Case: Rose Swartwood
, an elderly person was murdered in her home. Case had gone cold.
Phil Jordan
Evidence produced:
He told them there were two suspects – he could see them: one Afro-American, one Caucasian. One had tattoo on his arm, the tattoo had a female name on it. He eventually was able to accurately identify the two suspects from a number of photographs.

Police Comments:

1) Lt Mike Mucci
stated that the psychic was “one hundred per cent correct with the information given”

2) Detective David Olszowy,
Sergeant Charles Patterson also sated that the psychic was brilliant: “I don’t care how it (psychic phenomena) works. I don’t know how it works and I don’t care how it works – the main thing is that the bad guy gets caught.”
Source: Court TV Psychic Detectives

Case 11
Pacoima Police Los Angeles in December 1980.
Missing nurse Melanie Eurebe
Etta Smith
Evidence produced - closed minded detective became a disgrace to LAPD:

The highly incompetent, negligent and unprofessional Los Angeles P.D. detective Lee Ryan (VAN NUYS COMMUNITY Police Station 6420- Sylmar- Pacoima Police were involved too) in December 1980 charged her with murder! This is where professionally untrained and closed minded skeptical police make stupid blunders which caused the police department he worked for thousands of dollars paid in damages to the gifted forensic psychic. Forensic psychic Etta Smith told them where to find the body. And when the skeptical detective would not act on the information she gave him, she found the body herself. Being a closed minded skeptic, this uninformed detective did not believe that a gifted psychic would have the precious 'psychic-gift' to help the police with forensic physical evidence. He became a disgrace to the Pacoima Police, at Los Angeles for not doing his work professionally. He relied on his closed mindedness to do his police work as distinct from being intelligent, open minded and acting according to the physical evidence produced by the gifted forensic psychic.

Police Comments:
Detective Patrick Conmay: " Had it not been for Etta Smith this case would not have been solved as rapidly or possibly not at all."

Source: Court TV Psychic Detectives/ Unsolved Mysteries

Part 2

Case 12
Belvedire, Warren County, New Jersey.
Murder of nurse Elizabeth Cornish- cold case
Nancy Weber
Evidence Produced:

The closest the police came to solving the crime was to suspect the victim’s boyfriend. “WRONG!” said gifted psychic Nancy Weber, “he’s innocent”. The actual suspect, she said, “has reddish brown hair, is 5’10” tall, has a scar in his right side of his face, has a beard, his first name is John and his surname was one syllable starting with “R” (later confirmed to be ‘Reece’), he wore a “Western” type buckle on his belt and he resided in the flat above the murdered victim. The murder weapon was a hammer- the suspect threw it in the water nearby". All this physical evidence was subsequently found to be one hundred per cent correct. The police had initially brought John Reese to do a polygraph test which was administered by a police expert with 23 years experience. But the polygraph CLEARED the suspect! At this point the police wanted to concentrate on the victim’s boyfriend but the psychic said ‘stay with the tenant John Reese.’ The breakthrough came after the autopsy report showed that John Reece’s alibi did not cover the actual time of death. After heavy questioning, John Rees confessed, was charged, convicted and is now serving a lifetime in jail.

Witness comments:

1) Capt. Detective David Heater of Warren County Prosecutor's office: “Nancy was probably one of the driving forces which kept me going back to Reese ... I was willing to give him up but she was very insistent ... whether you want to call it spiritual matter ... whatever it is the psychic sees you got to be able to believe in it ... there is science ... it may be supernatural. I don't know how to explain what a psychic does ... how they do it ... all I know it works."

2) Jerry Lewis police polygraph expert:
" I had been brought in to polygraph two suspects. They both passed their polygraph tests and I cleared them. But a few days later I received a phone call that the second person, John Reese, had been brought back in for questioning and confessed to the murder! In my entire career running the polygraph, this is the only known error that I made. Imagine my surprise when I read in Nancy's book that the detective was quoted as saying that it was her identification of Reese that directly led to him being brought back in! Thank God for Nancy. Because of her, Reese was caught. Even though I am retired from the New Jersey State Police, I still conduct polygraph examinations and consult on open cases. I do not hesitate to recommend that investigators contact Nancy for help on their cases. In fact, I feel I would be remiss if I did not. She is a valuable resource for law enforcement."

Source: Court TV PSychic Detectives
Letter from polygraph expert Jerry Lewis.

Case 13
Place:Marin County
Case: 30 years of collaboration
Psychic:Annette Martin
Evidence Produced: Various

Police comments:

1) Police sergeant Richard Keaton of Marin County “I call in a psychic to investigate (the crime with us). I don’t know how she actually obtains the information. I don’t ask too many questions because I have seen too many successes (using psychics) … When Annette comes to the (Police) Department we normally sit in a quiet office. I give her a brief outline of what the case is about. Annette concentrates … goes into meditation … and starts sharing verbally with us the things she’s seeing or perceiving … we take her to the crime scene … and would ask her what she can see … about evidence … and she’s able to replay that like a video tape like a movie …”

“Wouldn’t it be wonderful in the future to see a team of psychic cops working with us from the inception of the crime … and maybe shorten down the time element in the apprehension of criminals … that would be wonderful.”

According to a report in the San Francisco Chronicle the 30 year partnership of the police officer (now retired) and the psychic has led to them setting up in 2001, the Campbell agency Closure4U Investigations, which opened in 2001 and is currently working on finding missing persons and solving cold cases from around the country. Read more… also you can access Annette on
Source: 1998 program prepared by Discovery Communications for the Science of the Impossible

Case 14
New Haven, Connecticut
Murder of 21 year old Penny Serra on July 16th 1973
Mary Pascarella Downey
Evidence Produced:
She told the police that the murderer smelled of oil, was a mechanic, was wearing some kind of uniform at the time of the murder, had a name tag on his uniform starting with the letter “E”, was suffering from a pain in the head at the time. She predicted that the murderer would not be caught for many years but ultimately “blood will tell”. 26 years later the murderer, named Edward was caught using fingerprint matching and DNA testing of blood at the crime scene. He had been a mechanic at the time of the murder and had been visiting a nearby hospital for treatment of head pain. He was tried and found guilty and sentenced to a long term of imprisonment.

Police comments:

Detective George Mazzacane "ALL of the clues given to the police were 100 per cent accurate".
Source: Court TV Psychic Detectives

Case 15
Place: Portland, Oregon
Missing person Alexis Burke
Laurie McQuary
Evidence Produced:
Claimed that the husband of Alexis, John, had strangled Alexis; many people knew what happened and were not talking; water was important; there was an old car involved, and John's younger brother Kelly was implicated. Intrigued by Laurie McQuary's theories, Detective Lee investigated the clues. After a year, he got a confession.

Police comments:
Detective Robert Lee: "Laurie said that the body would be buried where John could keep an eye on it- in fact it was only 75 years from the house...there were just so many things that were tremendously accurate."
Source: Court TV PSychic Detectives (see below)


Part 2 Part 3 Part 4

Case 16
Spencer New York
Lost 5 year old child Tommy Kennedy
Psychic: Phil Jordan
Evidence produced:
Although psychic Phil Jordan had never been in the woods where the lost boy was believed to be missing, this gifted psychic draws a most vital map. This map showed among other things: near a lake; three boats beside the lake; a building across from the boats; a waterfall; a field; a young boy under a tree. The child was found

Police response:The chief of the local volunteers Richard Clark said he was stunned at the accuracy of the map and the leads.

Detective Dave Redsicker said it was his first case working with a psychic. The leaders of the search, the police and the Tigoa County Search & Rescue gave unqualified credit to Phil Jordan for finding the missing boy. So much so that the Tioga County Sheriff had him sworn in as a Deputy to assist in other cases.

Source: The case has been documented in three books - Phil Jordan I Knew This Day Would Come: A Personal Journey to Psychic Awareness (Jordan 1999, 58 64). Jenny Randles and Peter Hough Psychic Detectives (2001, 86-88) - see Phil Jordan’s webpage http://www.philjordan.com/

NOTE: When a Skeptic wrote a book claiming that this case of Tommy Kennedy was a myth, Mary S Kennedy wrote on Amazon.com:

" [The Skeptic] should take his own advice: do the hard detective work. [He] never did his detective work on this story, that is to contact the principles involved in the incident.

I know because I am the child's mother, and I was never contacted. And I also know for certain that scores of volunteer firemen and policemen were searching for my son unsuccessfully, in the wrong area for hours. The next morning, Phil Jordan arrived, asked me for a personal article of Tommy's, and with Tommy's little sneaker, as well as hand drawn map of the area (an area which Phil Jordan had never seen before), Phil walked directly to my son.

Would Tom be alive today if it were not for Phil Jordan's God given ability? Probably not.

Believe in Psychic ability or don't believe, it makes no difference, but please don't deprecate a miracle. Because of Phil Jordan, I held my son in my arms again. There is no way that I can ever thank Phil Jordan enough. That's no myth, it's a plain and simple reality. "

Case 17
Place: Cumru Township Pennsylvania
Unnamed woman strangled
Dr Lauren Thibodeau
Evidence produced:
Detective Wanner, Cumru Township Police in Pennsylvania first consulted Dr Lauren Thibodeau about an unrelated case and she told him that soon he would be working on an old, unsolved crime. Six months later Detective Wanner was given the file on an unnamed woman who had been strangled, tied up in a blanket and dumped over an embankment in the small community of Cumru Township, Pennsylvania in December 1984. Dr Thibodeau had visions of lines of light across a map from New York to Chicago, a truck driver and the Brooklyn Bridge; murderer was a smoker, wore thick flannel shirt; there was sexual violence; the incident occurred near the Great Lakes; truck door was white. Spurred on by the psychic's accurate information, Detective Wanner was able to identify the victim and make contact with the victim’s family. Detective Wanner was able to arrested the murderer.
Police comments:
Detective Wanner:" the psychic's assistance was critical to solving the case. "

Case 18
Place: Lompoc near Santa Barbara (U.S.)
Murder of ‘Owen E’
Dixie Yeterian
Evidence Produced:
Dixie Yeterian stated that, “ … the body would be found some 15 miles away from the murdered home; there are farms in the are; a steep hill; cattle; gravel road.” She saw “ …a rifle being taken away from the wall”. She heard a gunshot; felt pressure on left side of the brain. He “… was buried in a shallow grave.” She gave them more information but the final piece of critical information the psychic told the police was that the murdered own son killed his father. Police picked up the son and after telling him what the psychic told them, he confessed. He was convicted of murder. Detective Ramos stated that the psychic accurately described what happened to the murdered father – as told to them by the son.

Police comments:

Detective Mel Ramos (Ret.) of Lompoc Police Department:"The information Dixie gave us was like a giant key...we solved it through her. We would never have found the body if it wan't for her."

Court TV Psychic Detectives
And Strange But True Documentary.
Watch video


Case 19
Oklahoma City
Kidnap and murder of Jamie 22
Nita Lee and Dr Sally Headding (pictured left) worked independently
Evidence Produced:
Confirmed that the there were three men on contract to kill the victim; that the victim was ‘dead’; the dead victim was NE of the city near the State line; was near a train track; there was a sign ‘Cattle’ and another sign ‘HURFORDS’; he was wrapped in a blue blanket near a tin building; that he would be found by two deer hunters (as he was in November 1994); that the planners of the murder would be eventually caught.

Police comments:
1) Det. Paul Zeckman
Midwest City Police Department :“I don’t know how these psychics do it. But they perform a service we cannot ignore. One day psychic witnesses testimony will be admitted as evidence. In the past DNA and polygraphs were not admitted in evidence, so it will be only a matter of time before psychic evidence will be admitted because of the critical information they give us to solve murders.”
Other witnesses:
2) Detective Dan Evans
3) Police Officer Patrick Quigley,
4) Diedre Esherman,
5) Assistant District Attorney, Detective Pam Garrick.


Case 20. .
Place: Wilmington Delaware
Serial rapist
Nancy Weber
Evidence Produced: The gifted psychic Nancy led the police where the criminal actually lived. She pointed to the actually building. There she said – I see him in my mind – coming and going. The criminal was arrested, interrogated and confessed.

Police comments:
1) Col. Irvin Smith of Wilmington Police Department “Nancy Myer made an outstanding contribution to law enforcement.”

Other witnesses:
2)Capt. Nathaniel McQueen,
3) Lt. Joseph Aviola Jr.DE Stat Police, Troop 2.

Case 21.
Williston Florida
Norman Lewis disappeared
Noreen Renier
Evidence produced:
supplied them with physical evidence - where to find the body - describing the immediate environment
Police comments:
Senior detective Slauter:
"Noreen Reiner - the psychic gave us everything we needed to find Mr Lewis ... and I am convinced that if we didn't use a psychic in this case, Mr Lewis would still be at the bottom of that quarry ...".


Case 22
Place: Santa Clara Sheriff's Department.
Norma Hofer missing, murdered
Forensic psychic: Donielle Gordon
Some of the evidence produced by the psychic:
told police Norma Hofer had been strangled; she was at a party the night of the murder; murderer wrapped her in a blanket; she's on near the top of a hill; there are some houses nearby; you will find the critical vehicle in an underground garage; fingerprints and blood of the victim in the vehicle.
Police comments:

1) Captain Gary Colla: "she (the psychic) gave me accurate information the first time, why can't it be true for the second time ?(this was when the police were desperately wanting to find the victim's car. Police found the car where the psychic told them it would be found). It turns out that Donielle (the psychic) was an investigator too, like a fingerprint expert or an expert analyzing clother fiber ... was one piece of the puzzle that helped bring it all together .. a very well done job."

2) Deputy Michelle Sandri: The psychic "makes you believe in psychics! Because of the psychic we resolved it real quick instead of taking months or years."
: Psychic Detectives television series

Case 23.
Santa Clara
Janet Myers murder
Rosemary Kerr
Evidence produced:
Two suspects blamed each other – the case resulted in a hung jury. . The psychic told the police how the murder happened. But also the psychic said there were TWO murderers. On that information the police retried and scored a conviction of both suspects.

Police Comments:

District Attorney Le Blanc: “Rosemary’s contribution to this case was significant …I relied on the psychic Rosemary for details …There are clearly individuals in this world who have an ability that are beyond our normal five senses. Rosemary (the psychic) is such a person.”

Source: Psychic Detectives television series

Case 24
Place: Staunton Virginia
Rape of five women.
Noreen Renier
The police had no clues at all and the public was furious that the police were not able to catch the violent rapist. There was a crisis in the lack of public confidence in the police…
Evidence produced: She was able to supply them with physical evidence to convict the rapist – by identifying him where he lived, how he did his crimes, how he entered the girls’ room, that he limped, that he wore a uniform and that he had a scar near his knee. On that information, the police caught the rapist. When Police Deputy Ronnie Whisman asked the psychic “when will the rapist be caught?” The psychic replied, “Before Christmas.” The rapist was caught on the 22nd December 1979.
Police comments:
1) Deputy Police Ronnie Whisman
said about psychic Noreen Renier: “We (the police) were impressed by the psychic on the important information she was able to give us … everything she said about the case came true.”
2) Special agent Darrel Stilwell
said:“ .. obviously she has (psychic) power … gives you extra something to work with.”
: Psychic Detectives television series

Case 25
Zachary Louisiana
Rape and murder of five women by Derrick Tod Lee
Jeanne Borgen

Psychic's findings:were all confirmed by the police:
- police have the wrong suspect
- the suspect is not white, he's black
- he is a peeping tom
- has been a peeping tom since he was very young
- there is a witness ... find that witness (witness eventually found and led them to the suspect)
- describes suspect ... (description perfectly matches the witness' description of suspect).

Police comments:

1) Lieutenant David McDavid stated, “I’ve never dealt with psychics on a day-to-day basis …My feelings are that if the good Lord gives you that (psychic) power, use it to assist law enforcement in very way.”

2) Police Forensic expert and consultant Ann Williams said, “Without psychic Jeanne Borgan, we would have been chasing our tails. I wouldn’t have known he was a black man … I wouldn’t have found our witnesses.”

3) Larry Hardmen - Detective Baton Rouge Police Department: We had a serial murderer on our hands. But not enough evidence to ID the suspect. We had no witnesses. We contacted Jeanne and she described the killer and led us to his capture and incarceration. I was a skeptic. Not any more!"
: Psychic Detectives television series

Case 26
Belpre Ohio
Murder of Jennifer Mcready
Georgia Rudolph
Evidence found:
Jennifer Mcready was found buried brutally murdered by a gunshot to the head. Police had no more leads. Detective Sergeant Dave Garvey called gifted medium GEORGIA RUDOLPH. The psychic told Detective Garvey that the missing person was dead, she told him WHO killed the victim and WHERE they could find the body.

Police comments:

1) Kevin Rings, Assistant District Attorney:“Without Jennifer’s body being found we wouldn’t have been able to file a charge against Mr McReady … It would simply be an unsolved missing person case.”

2) Detective Dave Garvey:“Georgia’s guidelines and thoughts whatever you want to say … led us to first find Jennifer … we were able to get the bad guy who is now in jail … and the family feels better.”

3) Monica Tanner, a former employee of the Belpre Police Department:“Georgia made a world of difference. She solved the case.”

Source: Till Death Do Us Part episode.

Case 27
Des Plaines
Murder of 27 young boys by John Wayne Gacy
Carol Broman and Dorothy Allison from New Jersey
Evidence found:
The police were investigating the disappearance of Robert Priest. The psychics told them that there were many bodies buried under the house.

Police comments:

1) Lt. Joe Kozenczak said: “The amazing thing is that the police didn’t know about these all murders … she (the psychic) told us. I became a believer in psychics.”

He went on to write: The Use of Psychics in Homicide Investigations by Joseph R. Kozenczak and Karen M. Henrikson, Des Plaines, Illinois


Case 28.
New York
Kidnap and murder of 22 year old Kim Antonakos
Ellie Crystal

Police comments:

1) Detective Louis Pia NYPD (Ret.) and Detective Phil Tricolla NYPD 49th Precinct:“One of the things I got from Ellie (the psychic) when I was present during the interview with her … it was most astonishing when she said the letter ‘J’ would be important in solving the case – the four convicted of her crime – all their first names started with the letter ‘J’.”

2) Detective Phil Tricolla said, “I think these psychics are good at what they do … they have that extra sense … it’s a kinda like an enhanced god feeling …”. (1995).

Case 29.
Berlin Maryland
Murder of Louise Williams
Deborah Heinecker

Case went virtually cold - initially skeptical, police did not follow the physical evidence related to by the gifted psychic. Police thought the missing person Louise Williams had ran away with some guy. But the gifted psychic said her son-in-law Billy killed her. The psychic provided the relevant physical evidence for the police to solve the crime.

Police Comments:

1) Detective Sergeant Bill Gordy:“I personally believe the psychic played a pivotal role in this case. I’d like to think we could have done it without her, however, that’s not the case. Her predictions were the key which led the accused to confess".

2) Maryland Police Trooper Paul Frick (known for his strong skepticism about psychics BEFORE the case): “So if someone to-day asked me what I think of psychics, I have to say I have changed my views completely and I’d listen to a psychic.”

Case 30.
Oklahoma City
Missing person Lawrence Mbroh
Dr Sally Headding
Evidence found:
Sally Headding informed police the missing person was dead, brutally beaten- and where to find the body – and other information given about the case which led to the apprehending of the suspects.

Police Comments:

1) Detective Larry Beaver Mid-West Police Dept.:“If the opportunity presented itself again for me to work with a psychic I’d be very open to that and would enjoy the opportunity to see another psychic or even work with Sally Headding to get a feel for really and truly how they work. I was very amazed working with Sally … I truly believe there are people in the world who do have abilities beyond the normal person. Sally to me is a real person with a real gift.”
Psychic Detectives' ‘Bad Business’ episode

Case 31.
Kittery Main, fishing village, near Boston
Missing body- Chris Toby drowned
Helen Churchwell Legotti
Evidence found:
She drew a chart and tells Sgt La Flamme of the Marine Patrol exactly where to find the body. She also tells him if the search is made in the area, the body will be found within 2 days – giving lots of specific clues where to find the body. After 15 minutes underwater at 60-80 feet, the body was recovered on the second day.

Police comments:

1) Deputy
Chief John Bennett of Main Marine Patrol congratulating gifted psychic Helen Legotti (nee Churchwell):“I think when you imagine the enormity of the ocean and all the variables that can happen when someone drowns … just to be able to find that person it’s a big, big deal … it really is. I used psychics before … (and will use them again)…”

2) Karen Dandurant,
reporter for the Portsmith Herald stated, “I’m kind of in awe being a skeptical reporter … It’s a kind of a miracle the psychic just found him … She’s never been anywhere near the Isle of Scholes …”

Case 32
Port Kembla, New South Wales, Australia.
Case: Disappearance of Maria Scott.
Psychic: Debbie Malone.
Evidence found:

Police comment:
Police Officer: Det. Sen. Const. Geoffrey Little
1)“I’m a sceptic but I just can’t explain some of the things psychic Debbie Malone came up with that were just incredible. I was astounded honestly as was the police woman who was with me. We were just amazed. I even sent some paperwork off to our Missing Persons Unit later to introduce Debbie to them. I think she is doing something with them now. . …. . It can give you avenues of investigation that you didn’t have. But then you have to get solid evidence to confirm what they’ve found. You can’t use what they say. They can maybe help you find a body. They can maybe give you something that you didn’t have before – something out of the blue. I said to other officers, I can’t explain how she picked up what she did.”

Source: Detective Senior Constable Little, Lake Illawara Local Area Police Command, NSW. Australia. Who Magazine.

Case 33.
Des Moines Iowa
Case: Jimmy Voll - missing.
Forensic Psychic: Sue Walker
Some of the information by the Forensic Psychic: (case had gone completely cold when psychic was called to assist): all clues given by the psychic were confirmed:
- person is confused and lost ...
- he feels fearful and confused
- I see some kind of 'fortress'? something like that ...
- see sign - soldier and 'dragoon' ..
- must head South West ... (bush area is 70 hectares) but focussed on just one small area ... where police found the missing person's auto.
- must go off road ...
- he's no longer alive now ...
- there's metal ... cabin ... (missing person was eventually found in a metal cabin) in the area identified by the psychic
- I see someone wearing a bright orange vest .... ( later a hunter wearing a bright orange vest led the police where the metal cabin was)

Police comments:

1) Deputy Bill Bartleson
Madison Co. Sheriff: "Jimmy was found in a metal cabin ... as the psychic described it ... found by a shooter in that area with an orange vest ... I was very impressed reviewing it later ... there were so many things she was on ... it was eeirie to me. I think this could be a powerful tool for law enforcement cases where everything else has failed ..."

2) POLICE CHIEF Gary Hulse De Soto Police Departmen: " ...I got to thinking back .. psychic Sue was right ..."

Case 34.
Bethseda Maryland, Washington
Case about:
missing case initially - brutal killing of young female Harvard graduate
Deborah Heinecker
Some of the vidence produced:
very masculine but looks female, male energy, jealous of Laura, Laura not alive, grave close to suspect’s camp, shallow grave, murky soil, face exposed - all confirmed.

Police comments:

Detective Richard Fallin Montgomery Police: “Deborah’s description of the grave site was very close to what it was … it was excellent...The psychic in this case helped us out. I’m open to using psychics if she can help me I’m very pleased to take her help to help me close cases.”

Psychic Investigations

Case 35.
Place: Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada 1987
Case: two teenage females raped, murdered.
Psychic: Noreen Renier
Some of the evidence produced: saw face clearly, sketch made. Accurately describes the victims and how they died – they could not breathe (plastic bag), saw blue truck, letter ‘R’ of the murderer, the police will get him when he’ll be 32 years old and will be wearing a mustache. (all confirmed to be accurate by Detective Jerry Moran).

Police comments:

Detective Jerry Moran: " ... the sketch by Noreen turned out to be amazingly accurate … in hindsight the clues provided by Noreen were right … I’m glad I used a psychic because it opens up a whole new avenue of investigation we had nothing to lose by using her and everything to gain.”

Source: Psychic Investigations television series.
(episode ‘TUNNEL VISION’)

Case 36
Albany, Georgia
teenage Jessica Reinhart murdered, house burnt.
Psychic: Karen Prisant
Some of the evidence produced by the psychic: young man, blond hair, white man, not well-kept, rabbits in cages back of a house, (rabbits of the victim were to be later to be found in the suspect's home); he's around 5'9", at the time of the murder had a knife, he set the house of fire, went in police car directing where to find the suspect ... tells police of two names that repeatedly come to her 'Lucille' and 'Merilyn' - turned out the suspect's house was on the corner of two streets with those names.

Police comments:

1) Detective Ray Folsom:
"The time I spent with Karen (the psychic) gave me a lot of insight. I think with someone like Karen coming in, getting focused .. that's not a bad idea.

2) Robert Windham CSI Albany Police Dept. " Highly unusual to bring in a psychic for investigation but if traditional techniques do not work, then produce any method available" (especially using gifted psychics).

Source: Psychic Detectives. 'HARE EVIDENCE'

Case 37.
Place: Sharon Police Department
Darrell Cozart Missing, found murdered
Forensic psychic:
Mary Ellen Rodrigues
Some of the psychic's evidence:
something happened to Darrell, keeps telling me the same word over and over 'Fickel'; he's been shot a few times, there's a rope around his head; lying in swamp; face up; you will find him before Tuesday.

Capt. Jerry Smith:"I don't know how to explain it. I don't know if I believe in it. I just know that it happened ... there's no explanation for it! Darrell (the murdered) kept telling the psychic (from the afterlife) 'Fickel', 'Fickel' ... It was only after we arrested the suspect that it dawned on me it was his (the suspect's) surname ... that was exact ..."

Source: PSYCHIC DETECTIVES television series Court TV.


Case 38
Place: Maryland
James Outten missing, later found dead
Forensic psychic:
Noreen Renier
Some of the psychic's evidence:
'they knew each other', 'they were friends', 'there was hate and anger at the time of the killing'; 'I see a number 4 ... a pathway which will lead to a two story very old house ..."

Police comments:

1) Sgt. Hank Brittingham
, "I found number 4 and the path which led to the old house exactly the way Noreen described it ... It was very satisfying this case...it finally closed. I believe Noreen helped us tremendously ... I believe Noreen is special. She helped us and she could help many other agencies they struggle with murders they cannot solve ..."

Case 39
Place: Colonie New York
CASE: Armand LaForest, 33 disappearance
Forensic psychic:: Ann Fischer (20 years w/ police)
Some of the forensic psychic’s information:
- gave police directions drawing a map
- see victim in water (eventually found in a car totally submerged in water.
- hears tire screeching
- trees in the area
- he was not alone at the time of death
- he was with a woman
- blond hair
- he’s in the Mohawk river

Police comments:

1) Lt. Alex Rinaldi, “The only reason why we searched the Mohawk River was because of the psychic telling us that’s where he (the victim) is – and we found him. In an investigation, if the family decides to employ a forensic psychic …and develop some type of information certainly I’m going to listen to it and will look into it – and if credible I’ll investigate."

2) Independent assessment – by Carol De Mare, Reporter Times Union, “Ann Fisher was instrumental in helping the family and ultimately helping the police for finding Armond". (the victim).
Season 5, Episode 13 Secrets in the Deep
Albany Times News Report

Case 40.
Kenner New Orleans
Andre Daigle - MIssing-murder ...
Forensic psychic:
Rosemarie Kerr
Some of the Forensic Psychic information:

- Slidel (suburb) is important (police found the victim's motor vehicle there)
- number 7 is important (police find suspect in apartment 7, highway exit was marked with the number '7').
- police find blood stain - critical evidence in apartment 7 which convicted the suspects.
- body near railroad track,
- just before he died, victim was with a female and two males
- body near bridge, railway lines ... water.

Detective Jim Gallaghar: "I was stunned and amazed what she (the psychic) told us ... the Prosecution decided it was very important for Rosemary (the psychic) to testify. She led the police directly to the killer. You can't dispute that ... that is a fact what happened ... I was skeptical prior to this but there's no doubt in my mind that Rosemary has a gift."

Other witnesses:

Assistant D.A. Jefferson Parish:
W.J. Le Blanc

Source: Psychic Investigations- Storyhouse Productions Tru-TV 'Midnight Strangers'

Case 41.
Denton Texas
Diana Goldston, missing > murdered.
Forensic Psychic:
Carol Pate
Some of the information by the Forensic Psychic:
- victim murdered
- suspect was heavy with drugs
- she sold flowers
- (showed police where the abduction took place)
- suspect believed victim stole money from him
- victim shot, can feel the bullet
- victim bled
- males were holding her physically
- they were keeping the victim down
- showed police where victim was murdered
- man and woman taking her out of the truck
- there's a jacket he took off the victim and threw it up in the air and landed on a tree
- dragged boy in the woods and left her there
- male returned and stumped victim in the neck with boots
- there's graffiti near the bridge where the body is.

Police Comments:

1) Detective Kenny Kirkland: "I remember what Carol Pate told me (about the case) and indeed it became true ... My reaction to the female confession accomplice I had heard it all before ... was told to me before by Carol .... We were shocked ...she (the psychic) was able to tell us what each person (overseeing several photographs) did and what their part was in the crime. She just reaffirmed that I don't know anybody who could do that ... to be able to narrow it down to just one place (from a huge area near Lake Roberts) ... it's pretty outstanding."

2) Det. David Stewart:
"Carol Pate got several things right when dealing with the case ... and so Carol Pate obviously has some special gifts to be able to do things that a normal person cannot do. She was able to tell us things about the case she knew nothing about (before she started). It was pretty phenomenal she was able to do that."

Source: Psychic Investigations television series.

Case 42
Parsippanny New Jersey
Serial killer James Koedatich
Nancy Webber
Some of the information by psychic:

- "victims knifed, not shot."
- "I see a many grabbing the girl pulling her into his car at knife point..."
- "the car is older model ... shaded green ..."
- "I see the killer ... white ... first name James ... surname starts with K and ends with ich ..."
- (at the murder scene, pointing the exact spot where the victim was killed ...)
- "killer is about 5 foot ten inches ..."
- "he's done some hard time in Florida jail)
- "he's going to kill again." (he did)
- "I see his tyre tracks .." (critical physical evidence)
- "suspect had recent problems with local police officer whose surname starts with hard "c" ...
(Police officer Contanza found- Police officer Contanza spots the car listed as the one driven by the suspect. Stops car - driver's name: James Koedatich) - the name which had been given by the psychic some weeks before!

Police comments:

1) Detective Jim Moore: "It's just amazing how some people have this gift ... she was right with everything she told us ... someone might say it's unbelieveable ... but I became a believer ..."

2) Sgt Bill Hughes: "In my opinion this is no different when you use a psychic to point you in the right direction ... same when you use police hotline to give you direction to source leads ..."
PSYCHIC DETECTIVES, Court TV productions. Episode called 'Driven by Darkness'

Case 43
Xenia Ohio
Greg Turner missing > murdered.
Forensic Psychic:
Karyol Kirkpatric
Some of the information by psychic:
“Triangle situation - 3 people involved. Jealousy. Violence. Victim shot. Victim had been moved to a shallow grave in woods. Leaves. Near wooden fence. Sound of rushing water. I see a blue car to do with the murderer …(to the police) you are driving around the victim’s body.”

Police comments:

1) Detective Dan Savage: "We found the psychic was to be absolutely right: she was right the victim was shot. She was right about the blue car. She was right about the rushing water. She was right about the lover's triangle. She was right about the wooden fence. She was right about the shallow grave, about the leaves…” The direct and indirect message to the television viewers: “ I’d call her again in future investigations.”

2) Prosecutor Attorney, Bill Schenk Greene County, Ohio: stated words to the effect that without the medium Karyal Kirkpatric the case might not have been solved.

Source: PSYCHIC DETECTIVES, Court TV productions. Episode called A Deadly Triangle


On the Internet:
"Still Beyond Belief; The Use of Psychics in Homicide Investigations by Joseph R. Kozenczak and Karen M. Henrikson, Des Plaines, Illinois http://crimeshots.com/forums/showthread.php?t=1794


copyright © 2011 Victor Zammit and Wendy Zammit. All rights reserved.

