

Audios of Materialization seances with David Thompson



Report on Auckland seances
October 25-28 2006

I state I am very much impressed by the fabulous materializations which took place in New Zealand last weekend. Those who have been 'physically dead' for years walked and talked to us at these materializations experiments. They sounded very happpy, full of life and joked with us. Loved ones were re-united. Old friends met again. We heard their familiar voices. We heard their laughter. We felt and understood the hope that one day we are all going to be re-united in a beautiful afterlife dimension for a long, long time. We were also very fortunate to have a high-being relate to us a most wonderul, positive message of hope. Read and listen for yourself, the greatest discovery in human history: communicating with those loved ones and others who crossed over.

SPECIAL THANKS to William, Timothy, Jack and all those participants who made these memorable materialization sessions possible. Thanks also to David Thompson the materialization medium.

In New Zealand 25-28th Oct. weekend

David gave an invited audience a demonstration of his mental mediumship – which is totally different from his materialization mediumship. In mental mediumship, the meeting is held in the light where David receives messages from those in the afterlife- identical to what John Edward and James Van Praagh are doing.

On all three occasions nineteen guests were invited to test for themselves these world shattering materializations experiences. The materializations were just absolutely fantastic – meeting and talking to these crossed over loved ones who materialized to talk with those still living on this planet earth! Nine sitters, including Wendy my wife, were reunited with their loved ones - plus, our regulars came through: William, the convener, young Timothy who is the expert with ectoplasm and has the job to bring some humor to offset the implied solemnity of the session, Honest Jack, another special appearance by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and May.

The objective of materializations, say the team, is to show that there is no death and that those who crossed over can communicate with us

For most of these people it was their very first time in a materialization experiment. They were all searched, all mobiles, coins, watches and jewellery anything of metal had to be left outside the session room. After music had been played to raise the vibrations, we were told to hold hands. Immediately, William materialized. He introduced himself and clapped his hands and stamped his feet showing us that he was now fully materialized.

Timothy, who is the ectoplasm expert, told Rosheen to bring out the luminous plaque. He then told us to watch carefully as he was going to materialize his right hand onto the luminous plaque. A small hand was seen to materialize and he took it around to everyone showing his tiny fingers moving. Timothy crossed over when he was nine years old and whilst he is now an adult in the spirit world, for some technical reasons he materializes as a nine year old boy.

‘Honest Jack’ then came through and he materialized his hand – which was seen to be huge. He shook hands with many of the sitters.(Listen to audiofile 25/10/06)

Soon after a voice was heard calling for ‘John’ who was sitting next to me. It was John’s father who materialized and told John that he is with him. John’s father came over and touched John’s face the way he used to touch his face when John’s father was still alive on earth. I heard John say to his father, “Yes, that’s how you used to hold my face. I love you dad.”

A ‘woosh’ sound was heard and someone by the name of George materialized – he was recognized as Elizabeth’s father. They had a short conversation – a most emotional exchange of greetings - then he went straight over to Ken, Elizabeth’s husband whom he had never met in life. He embraced him, shook his hand and and told him, “Look after my girl!” (Listen to audiofile).

Martin materialized and had conversation with his mother, one of the invited sitters. They had an exchange of conversation. Martin had some difficulty in verbalizing the words but eventually he got his message of love to his mother.

Will Gains, an American show business personality materialized and had a conversation with Ken, one of our guests for the special night. (Listen to audiofile)

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, has a powerful personality and a strong voice. He usually makes a comment how difficult it is to speak in materialization ectoplasm – helping us to understand that it is not easy to verbalize from the afterlife in these materializations. I asked him if he wanted to relate to us a special message. Among other things he said that we should stand up for our beliefs. But most interestingly, he stated that those who used to attack him when he was alive and now crossed over, had come to him to apologize for their attacks. My information from elsewhere is that those attackers, cynics and those malicious debunkers who aggressively attack those who are spreading the afterlife knowledge have to ask for forgiveness before they can make progression in the afterlife – IF they are not caught on the ugliness of the dark Astral realm on crossing over. I say that Sir Arthur was minimizing the apologies! (listen to audiofile)

GORDON HIGGINSON, nationally known in England for decades as a medium and President of the SNU materialized and had a conversation with Ken Pretty, PSYCHIC WORLD columnist and medium. Gordon Higginson’s voice is very clear – relative to those first timers who come through to say hello to their folks here on earth. Higginson’s very English voice and accent are definitively unmistakable. Ken Pretty, who had known and met Higginson when Higginson was on earth, stated that absolutely, he conversed with Higginson. (Listen to audiofile)

Victor Zammit 28/10/2006


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