
Audios of Materialization seances with David Thompson



There are many different kinds of mediumship.

Mental mediums
communicate through inner vision or knowing, clairaudience, automatic writing and automatic speech.

Trance mediumship occurs when the medium becomes unconscious and a completely different entity takes over the medium's body temporarily
and speaks using the medium's vocal chords.

But in materialization mediumship the energy of the medium is used so that spirit people actually become solid. They walk around the room, talk (with some difficulty) and touch people. They retain their memories and their personality and most importantly their love for their friends and relatives.

Materialization mediums are extremely rare in the modern world- we know of only three demonstrating publicly in the Western world- and none in the USA. Because of this many people have never heard of it, or think it is totally fraudulent.

Materialization mediumship has nothing to do with ouija boards, satanism or devil worship. In the past, when it was more common, the rich and famous of Europe and America sat with materilization mediums. Top scientists of the day including a Nobel Prize winner investigated it thoroughly and concluded it was genuine.

To learn more about materialzation mediumship see A Lawyer Presents the Case for the Afterlife Chapter 10.


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