Different Areas of Evidence for the Afterlife


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Past life regressions

Past life regression simply involves hypnotizing a person and asking them to go back through their childhood to a time before they were born. In many cases the person begins talking about his or her life or lives before the present lifetime, about their previous death and about the time between lives including the planning of the present lifetime.

The main reason why at least some of these claims must be considered as evidence are:

• the regression frequently leads to a cure of a physical illness
• in some cases the person regressed begins to speak an unlearned foreign language
• in some cases the person being regressed remembers details of astonishing accuracy which when checked out are verified by the top historians
• the emotional intensity of the experience is such that it convinces many formerly skeptical psychiatrists who are used to dealing with fantasy and imagined regressions
• in some cases the alleged cause of death in an immediate past life is reflected in a birthmark in the present life.

By 1950 past life regression was being accepted by doctors who had previously been total skeptics because it worked.

As Dr Alexander Cannon wrote:

" For years the theory of reincarnation was a nightmare to me and I did my best to disprove it... Yet as the years went by one subject after another told me the same story in spite of different and varied conscious beliefs. Now well over a thousand cases have been investigated and I have to admit that there is such a thing as reincarnation "(cited Fisher 1986: 65).

Psychiatrists all over the world have found that regression works.

Dr Gerald Edelstein, psychologist:

" These experiences (past life regressions), for reasons I cannot explain, almost always lead to rapid improvements in the patient."

The very well known clinical psychologist, Dr Edith Fiore of the United States, says:

" If someone's phobia is eliminated instantly and permanently by his remembrance of an event from the past (life), it makes logical sense that the event must have happened."

Dr Morris Netherton, who was raised as a fundamentalist Methodist, has successfully used the method on 8,000 patients. He was initially skeptical but as a result of his experience is now convinced of the effectiveness of past life regression. His patients, who included both priests and physicists, are almost always skeptical at first but this had no effect on the effectiveness of the treatment. He says:

"Many people go away believing in reincarnation as a result of their experience ...What is the logical answer? That it actually is happened."

Dr Arthur Guirdham, English psychiatrist, maintains that he has been a skeptic ever since he was nicknamed 'Doubting Thomas' as a boy. But after his experience of 44 years doing hypnotic regressions he claims:

" If I didn't believe in reincarnation on the evidence I'd received I'd be mentally defective".

Dr Helen Wambach was a skeptic who in 1975 undertook a major study of past life regressions in order to find out once and for all if there was any truth to reincarnation. By doing a scientific analysis on the past lives reported by her 10,000 plus volunteers she came up with some startling evidence in favor of reincarnation:

• 50.6 % of the past lives reported were male and 49.4 % were female—this is exactly in accordance with biological fact
• the number of people reporting upper class or comfortable lives was in exactly the same proportion to the estimates of historians of the class distribution of the period
• the recall by subjects of clothing, footwear, type of food and utensils used was better than that in popular history books. She found over and over again that her subjects knew better than most historians—when she went to obscure experts her subjects were invariably correct.

Her conclusion was: ‘I don't believe in reincarnation—I know it! ’(Wambach 1978).

Helen Wambach interview Part 1

Helen says she always had her clients access their deaths in three different ives to give them perspective.

Helen Wambach interview Part 2.

It may surprise the reader that Russian psychiatrists are also using past life regression. Dr Varvara Ivanova, held in high esteem by Russian scientists and writers, is only one of a number of psychiatrists who are successfully using past life regression for therapy (Whitton and Fisher 1987).

Peter Ramster

Of the research I have done over the years, the most impressive hypnotherapist I have come across in showing how past life regression is linked with reincarnation is psychologist and former skeptic Peter Ramster from Sydney, Australia.

The following information is taken from Peter Ramster's very important book, In Search of Lives Past (1990) and from a speech he gave to the Australian Hypnotherapists ninth National Convention at the Sydney Sheraton Wentworth Hotel on the 27th March, 1994 and from the films he made on reincarnation.

In 1983 he produced a stunning television documentary in which four women from Sydney, who had never been out of Australia, gave details under hypnosis of their past lives. Then, accompanied by television cameras and independent witnesses, they were taken to the other side of the world.

In this fascinating video we meet the 4 women and see what happened when they died.

One of the subjects involved was Gwen MacDonald who did not believe in reincarnation. She remembered a life in Somerset between 1765-82. Many facts about her life in Somerset which would be impossible to get out of a book were confirmed in front of witnesses when she was taken there:

• when taken blindfolded to the area in Somerset she knew her way around perfectly although she had never been out of Australia
• she was able to correctly point out in three directions the location of villages she had known
• she was able to direct the film crew as to the best ways to go far better than the maps
• she knew the location of a waterfall and the place where stepping stones had been. The locals confirmed that the stepping stones had been removed about 40 years before
• she pointed out an intersection where she claimed that there had been five houses. Enquiries proved that this was correct and that the houses had been torn down 30 years before and that one of the houses had been a 'cider house' as she claimed
• she knew correctly names of villages as they were 200 years ago even though on modern maps they do not exist or their names have been changed
• the people she claimed that she knew were found to have existed?one was listed in the records of the regiment she claimed he belonged to
• she knew in detail of local legends which were confirmed by Somerset historians
• she used correctly obscure obsolete west country words no longer in use, no longer even in dictionaries, words like 'tallet' meaning a loft
• she knew that the local people called Glastonbury Abbey 'St Michaels'—a fact that was only proved by reading an obscure 200 year old history book not available in Australia
• she was able to correctly describe the way a group of Druids filed up Glastonbury Hill in a spiral for their spring ritual, a fact unknown to most university historians
• she knew that there were two pyramids in the grounds of Glastonbury Abbey which have long since disappeared
• she correctly described in Sydney carvings that were found in an obscure old house 20 feet from a stream, in the middle of five houses about one and a half miles from Glastonbury Abbey
• she had been able to draw in detail in Sydney the interior of her Glastonbury house which was found to be totally correct
• she described an inn that was on the way to the house. It was found to be there
• she was able to lead the team direct to the house which is now a chicken shed. No-one knew what was on the floor until it was cleaned. However on the floor they found the stone that she had drawn in Sydney
• the locals would come in every night to quiz her on local history?she knew the answers to all the questions they were asking such as the local problem which was a big bog—cattle were being lost there.

Cynthia Henderson, another subject of Peter Ramster, remembered a life during the French Revolution. When under trance she:
• spoke in French without any trace of an accent
• understood and answered questions put to her in French
• used dialect of the time
• knew the names of streets which had changed and were only discoverable on old maps.

Peter Ramster has many other documented cases of past life regression which in very clear terms constitute technical evidence for the existence of the afterlife.  

Peter Ramster talks about his research

This Life Past Life - A documentary by Dr. Keith Parsons

Roger Wolger
(1944 – 2011) was a British-American psychotherapist, lecturer, and author specializing in past life regression spirit release and shamanic healing. Roger talks of his personal journey and how he developed his form of past life therapy, called Deep Memory Process (DMP). He also discusses theories of reincarnation.

English cases Jenny Cockell

An American case- Captain Robert Snow

The Milboro Case- group reincation

Dr Brian Weisswas a traditional psychotherapist and at the age of 35 was a professor at the University of Miami's medical school. He was publishing papers and becoming a nationally recognised expert on psychopharmacology. He wsa not interested in anything mystical, philosophical or spiritual.

One patient changed all that. Weiss calls her Catherine in his first best-selling book, Many Lives, Many Masters (1988), eight years after he began treating the young woman.

He had been using routine psychotherapy to treat her and after 18 months with little improvement, Weiss finally put it very simply to her one day while she was under hypnosis: "Go back to the time from which your symptoms arise." She did.

Back to the year 1863 BC when she was a 25-year-old named Aronda. Since treating Catherine, he has researched reincarnation, Eastern religions, mysticism, quantum physics, intuition and everything in between. She also went to the space between lives and was able to give Dr Weiss detailed information about his own family and his dead son.

Dr. Brian Weiss talks to Oprah

Dr Michael Newton
When Dr. Michael Newton, a certified Master Hypnotherapist, began regressing his clients back in time to access their memories of former lives, he became interested in seeing into the spirit world through the eyes of clients who are in a hypnotized or superconscious state; these clients in this altered state claimed to be able to tell him what their soul was doing between lives on Earth. His book, Journey of Souls, presents ten years of his research and insights to help people understand the purpose behind their life choices. His follow-up book, Destiny of Souls, continues this work. Read a summary of his findings...

On the internet

In Another Life: Reincarnation in America.
Brilliant documentary produce by Stephen Sakellarios

Interview with reincarnation researcher Stephen Sakellarios

Dr. Wayne Dyer share his past life regression

Healing Through Past-Life Regression...And Beyond by Mira Kelley - a 2 cassette set for self healing.
