
Presented by Victor and Wendy Zammit
New Book: A Lawyer Presents the Evidence for the Afterlife



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Receive Friday Afterlife Report

 "Bringing light where there is darkness and hope where there is despair."

March 2nd 2018

Last week's report
and all previous reports


COMMENTARY: IS THERE A LINK BETWEEN INTELLIGENCE AND SPIRITUALITY? One would think that the more intelligent a person is, the more they would be interested to find out what really happens when we die. After all, eternity is a very long time. And you'd think that they would see that those who live by spiritual values are consistently found to be happier than materialists.

However, some of the most intellectually gifted people on earth can be caught up by materialist conditioning, especially within the university system. Many of our best and brightest minds are led to believe that there is no evidence for the afterlife, that psychic phenomena are all imagined and mediums are all cold readers.

Yet there comes a time when a personal experience of the spirit world hits most people with great force. For some it is a spontaneous OBE or an experience of oneness, a near-death experience, the death of a loved one or an afterlife death contact. It is at these times that it is most important to have high quality presentations of the evidence for the afterlife easily accessible online.

BACK FROM THE LIGHT: NEAR-DEATH EXPERIENCES AFTER EFFECTS Around the world many millions deal with Near Death Experiences, either personally or as the loved one, family or friend of someone who has been on that journey. Lives are changed irreversibly by surviving such a traumatic event. Back From The Light is a documentary film that addresses understanding and coping with these deeply personal changes for all involved. You can rent a copy on vimeo or buy the DVD.

"Earthly fame has no value in the afterlife. Souls judge themselves not by their titles, but by what they did, which results in the character that they have. The only passport in our world is the stage of the development of your soul, which is naked for all to see. You cannot cheat; you cannot lie; you cannot pretend. When you come here, the mask of earth is stripped away and you are known for what you are. All can perceive the spiritual stage you have reached". (Light from Silver Birch: What Happens When You Die)

ITC WILL BRING ABOUT AN AFTERLIFE REVOLUTION ITC, short for Instrumental Transcommunication, is the use of electronic equipment for the purposes of making audio or video contact with the spirit realm. Our view is that, one day in the near future when ITC is perfected, it will cause an afterlife revolution. This is because those who cross over and go to the afterlife, including VIP's, will be seen on a screen here on earth.

Every week we have a variety of free online groups where you can connect from home and network with like-minded people about afterlife topics. The technology is easy, the people are lovely. We have groups on automatic writing, how to record EVPs, mediumship development and many others.
For full details of all meetings see victorzammit.com/zoom

Sunday 4th March: Elizabeth Robinson author of There Are No Goodbyes will be joining us to talk about her journey and the topic of suicide especially as it involves young people. She is a wonderful speaker with a huge range of experiences.
Sunday 11th March: Robin Foy, best known for his work with the Scole Experiment and the author of several books on physical mediumship.
Sunday 3 pm New York, 8 pm London, Monday 7 am Sydney. https://zoom.us/j/7595332928

Videos of previous global gatherings are available on victorzammit.com/zoom

Journalist Tim Stewart was skeptical about past lives - until he began getting incredible detail about a soldier who died in World War 2.

TRIANGULATING AFTERLIFE ACCOUNTS One of the exciting things about the internet is that investigators are now able to assemble thousands of personal accounts of conditions in the afterlife and put together a basic map. Dr. Dennis Grega and Michelle Szabo, have looked at the most reliable sources and completed a statistical analysis on the degree to which they are in agreement. They found the following levels of agreement between the sources:
Death Experience for Adults: (87%)
Death Experience for Children: (93.8%)
Transformation from Human to Spirit:(96.8%)
The Afterlife:(95%) Reincarnation: (97.3%)
Life on Earth: (94.7%)
Their wonderful website afterlifedata.com

THE POWER OF INTUITION A woman listens to an urgent psychic call for help from her sister and follows her intuition - and saves her sister's life.

Reverend Dr. Sheri Perl is an Afterlife Research and Education Institute ITC facilitator. She is the author of Healing from the Inside Out and the Outside In and Lost and Found: A Mother Connects-Up with Her Son in Spirit. Sheri is also the developer of The Prayer Registry, a website honoring children who have passed. She writes:
"It's finally out and available for sale! My little book of quotes on Life After Death with original photographs taken my oldest and dearest friend since 7th grade Joni Tantillo. There is my commentary about each of the quotes as to what they mean to me. Just look for the book titled Eternity is Real and Death is a Myth if you're interested in purchasing a copy."

Direct Voice Mediums: THE GREAT LESLIE FLINT
People who have 'died' can be heard talking in their own voices in the presence of a direct voice medium. Read more...
Here famous UK ACTRESS DAME ELLEN TERRY comes through and explains that there is no need to fear death - there is a place for everyone according to their conditions - even animals survive and can be understood by thought. And in the advanced spheres the colours are beyond description, and can only be compared to the rainbows of the Earth. Listen.

SANDRA CHAMPLAIN INTERVIEWS KATHY BELTRAN host of the show 'Sacred Dance with Trance' helps us learn more about Trance and Physical Mediumship and she’s interviewed some extraordinary people!

QUESTION: "Why do I have so many problems? I must have more problems than most people - does life have to be so tough? That seems very unfair Victor!"

Victor: Those who have been doing afterlife research will tell you that there is always a good re.ason why some people choose to have a tougher life than others. It's to do with wanting to quicken their spirituality - and this would be planned before you incarnate. Here is what a highly credible afterlife teacher S. Birch eloquently says about your question: "You will not make spiritual progress when the sun is shining, all is peaceful and calm and there are no problems. You will make spiritual progress when you meet with difficulty and overcome it. Steel is forged in the crucible of fire. Your spirit is forged in triumphing over problems."



He died last week at the age of 99 years - “ the best- known face and voice of evangelicalism for more than half a century." Billy Graham attracted huge crowds because of his magnificent highly emotional oratory. But that same oratory also revealed how sadly uninformed he was about what really happens when we cross over.

He repeatedly said, "When I die I will meet God face to face." The highly credible information that afterlife investigators and other gifted mediums get directly from the afterlife is that when we die, WE DO NOT SEE GOD, there will be NO ST. PETER to welcome us, there will be NO ANGELS singing hymns to God.

We have been credibly informed by the highest sources that when we eventually the moment we cross over we are met by loved ones and others whom we trusted when we were alive who will help us move on to the realm of the Light.

The criterion for going to the higher realms is not being successful as religious preacher - but how much love you have shown. Sadly the Bible that BIlly Graham, and other evangelists, put their faith in has many passages that are anything but loving. Read more...


Like many near-death experiencers Alex J. Hermosillo, a much loved spiritual teacher and healer from Phoenix Arizona, says that what truly matters in life is how loving we are. He shares wisdom about his journey to Heaven and how physical and emotional well- being has to do with our ability to release negative emotions so we can receive the positive loving energies that are available to us.

Wendy and Victor invite you to join them at a mediumship event by English medium Tony Stockwell and Australian medium Louise Hermann.
Date: Friday 9th March, 2018
Time: Arrive 6:30 pm for a 7 pm sharp start. The evening will comprise of a short interval and conclude at 9:30 pm.
Venue: The Crows Nest Centre, 2 Ernest Place, Crows Nest. Carpark behind centre- Holtermann St Carpark.
Cost: $55.00 Read more and book....

See Victor on Video
* Subscribe to Victor's Youtube Channel:

* What Happens When you Die
Afterlife and Science
* Near Death Experiences- Evidence of the Afterlife?
* What You Must Know Before You Die
* David Thompson's Materialization
* Million Dollar Challenge
* The Afterlife on Trial
* A Lawyer on the Afterlife
* Suicide is not the answer
* Religion and the Afterlife

* Ghosts- Randi and closed minded skeptics when they die
* Zwinge Randi's Challenge Exposed ... Lawyer Explains

* Why Professor Richard Dawkins is Wrong
* God--the Evidence (Without Religion)
* Afterlife Without Religion

* Skeptics Demolished
* Afterlife Objections Demolished

* Ghosts- Randi and closed minded skeptics when they die
* Victor Zammit speaking at Speakers Corner
* Materialized Houdini speaks to Victor

FEEDBACK: (Three only).

1)Just to let you know, I am a dedicated reader of the weekly newsletter that you and Victor publish. Thank you so very much for this. Bill (GA. USA).

2) How do you and Wendy do it every week? I am in awe of your dedication and doing the work you love that provides such inspiration and hope for everyone. Thank you xxx Michelle.

3) I deeply appreciate all your efforts, Victor Zammit and Wendy Zammit! Week after week your beautiful report reminds me that there is no death and that we will indeed be reunited with our loves when it is our turn to pass. (Selfishly, all I really care about! Lol) Mary Beth.


INSPIRATIONAL MUSIC: We remember the GENIUS of the magnificent RAY CHARLES. His version of this most beautiful song GEORGIA is sung with much feeling and depth. A real privilege we still have the music of the genius Ray Charles. We will remember!


Whilst we encourage and we publish many papers and reports by afterlife researchers, we are not in a position to guarantee the accuracy of all claims. We accept the imputed claim that the afterlife and paranormal research done by the researchers is done in good faith. ALL WORK IS COPYRIGHT BY THE CONDITIONS SET AT THE GENEVA CONFERENCE ON COPYRIGHT.

