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A Paradigm Shifting Physics Supports Immortality!

By Ronald D. Pearson B.Sc.(Eng) November 2002

Solutions to outstanding problems in theoretical physics finally demanded that a primary consciousness existed independently of the brain. It did not even reside at the quantum level of reality but existed at an even deeper sub-quantum level. This meant that consciousness had the potential to survive bodily death. It was a paradigm-shifting conclusion since mainline physics had been postulating that mind is mere brain function, ceasing to exist on brain death, for over a century.

Philosophical Considerations

In 1984, from a study of physics, it became clear that theorists were faced with a number of problems that were insoluble by the approaches they had been trained to take. It seemed that over-sophistication could be preventing physicists from seeing where simple solutions existed and this author believed they would appreciate the input from another, though allied, more practical discipline.
The new approach was triggered by the realisation that the big-bang theory for the creation of the universe contained several logical flaws. These had given rise to an absurd prediction called the “cosmological constant”. This said the universe was expanding billions of billions of times faster than observation could possibly allow! It totally invalidated all the scenarios they were advancing!

Furthermore two so-called “pillars of twentieth century achievement” were mutually incompatible. These were Einstein’s theory of relativity and quantum theory. The former dealt with motion up to very high speeds and astronomical scales whilst the latter considered the microscopic sub-atomic scales of things. That relativity was incompatible with the very existence of any kind of background medium, such as the old “aether”, whilst quantum theory needed some kind of background, seemed to this author, the obvious reason for the misfit. However, theorists were ignoring this reason. Instead they were attempting a resolution by an increase of mathematical sophistication.

When the study to be summarised was nearing completion this author became aware that an experiment had been conducted by Brillet and Hall(1) in1979 which was expected to confirm special relativity. It was expected to show, to unprecedented accuracy, that the observer could be regarded as stationary. Instead they reported “a persistent anomaly”. Then Aspden(2), in 1981, showed conclusively that this “anomaly” was actually a measurement, to within 2%, of the surface speed of the Earth at Boulder where the experiment was carried out! So a major assumption of relativity theory had been falsified even before this study began! Yet the theorists, to this day, continue to ignore this fact and continue to claim that relativity has never failed and has withstood the test of time.

Problems also lay within quantum theory itself. No satisfactory resolution of an enigma called, “wave-particle duality” was being provided. Sub-atomic particles sometimes bounced off one another like billiard balls: the particle nature. At other times they appeared to behave as if they were waves, quantum waves, spread out over large volumes of space. Puzzled theorists were advancing ever-more absurdity to obtain a resolution. For example, a proposal by Everett in 1957 is said to be now gaining ground. It proposes that an infinite number of universes exist superimposed upon one another with new ones constantly splitting to create new ones. Nobody had advanced any idea to show how this could happen.

What exactly are quantum waves? Are they real or abstract? Is there some hidden source of organised energy flow (power) welling up from somewhere to generate these waves? Quantum theorists avoid all these questions.
Then again, to support the paradigm of accidental origin of the universe, the “Anthropic principle” was proposed. It was needed to explain how the sophisticated chemistry on which life depended could arise. The principle said that an almost infinite number of universes had to arise in which the laws of physics differed from one another. At least one had to have the adequate fine- tuning required.

Finally a wealth of observation had been accumulating for over a century showing that people who had died were sometimes still able to communicate with the living. Some scientists, starting with Sir William Crookes FRS, had actually reported that physical mediumship was a fact that had been repeatedly confirmed. Theorists had responded by making determined efforts to discredit these reports, even resorting to defamation of the characters of these pioneering scientists.

Was it possible that all these difficulties could succumb to a simple simultaneous solution? Clearly some changes to the assumptions of relativity theory were required. Motion needed to be referred to the local background: not the observer, if compatibility with quantum theory was to be achieved. Then again, as Dr Louis Essen FRS, inventor of the caesium-beam atomic clock, had been stressing, it broke the rules of logic to postulate the speed of light as a universal constant and then adjust the basic unit of time to keep it so. And could not a background of non-uniform density have the same effect mathematically as the curious idea of “curved- spacetime” which Einstein adopted?

Solving the Relativity Problem

To answer these questions a revision of Newtonian mechanics was attempted. Newton had assumed the mass of any object to remain constant regardless of its speed or position in a gravitational field. This was clearly only almost true at low speeds and in weak gravitational fields. The revision which corrected this turned up equations mostly identical with those of relativity theory including E = mc2 but without any input from relativity theory whatever! Now, however, the units of both time and space were maintained constant. Also m, the so called, “inertial mass” consisted of a “rest mass” m0, the mass it had when not in motion, plus a “kinetic mass” mK: an addition due to the energy needed to accelerate it up to speed. It also became clear that the total energy E of the object was the true substance out of which the universe was made and this consisted of a rest energy E0 plus a kinetic energy EK.. So m was now a variable connected with total energy and given by:

m = m0 + mk = E/c2 [1]

But a horizontal beam of light would be bent down by gravity, even if only a little. This meant the speed of light c also had to be a variable, since light had to travel more slowly on the inside than on the outside of any bend. Further logic, considering the lowering of an object on a cable, showed that it was the rest energy E0 that remained truly constant. So according to equation[1], with mk now zero, even the rest mass m0 was a variable! This also meant that Newton’s famous equation of gravity, based on the assumption of rest mass being a true constant, also needed modification. The only things which remained constant, apart from the units of time and space, were then shown to be the rest energy E0 and a new gravitational constant GC . The revised equation for the force F of gravity is: [2]

Here ES and E are the total energies of two mutually attracting masses whose centres are separated by distance r and GC is the true gravitational constant. It is evaluated from the Newtonian gravitational constant G by putting c = cD where suffix D means "datum". The speed of light has to be measured where G is measured since this Newtonian value is now seen to be another variable!
A further variable is the average separating distance L of primary particles making up the background medium. The shorter this distance the greater is the density of the background and this was found to have similar mathematical effects to Einstein’s unimaginable concept of curved spacetime. Reference to an equation of Novikov(3) from quantum theory, showed L to be inversely proportional to the product m? c. This allowed the density variation to be evaluated. It also affected the speed of light as observed from the datum position so that it now appeared to have the value cT which is proportional to both c and L. Both c and cT appear in the complete solution.

Only the special case of ES >> E will be summarised corresponding with planets or satellites in orbit at a variable radius r. about a massive object of total energy ES. Then with rD as the datum orbital radius the following solution appeared:

General ® Limited to Free Fall/rise only ®
General ®

The speed of the object of total energy E is w, independent of the direction of motion..

From this basic equation it was shown that all the experiments used to confirm both special and general relativity support this theory equally well. However, generally different interpretations are implied. For example, Einstein says there is a “gravitational time dilation”. A clock lowered in a gravitational field appears to tick more slowly because, he deduced, time runs more slowly at lower levels.
Exactly the same end equation appears from equation[3] but is due to a “gravitational mass increase”. An increase of mass causes a reduction in the frequency of vibration. A similar reduction is caused by an increase of speed which relativity also explains as time dilation.

This solution was published in a book by this author(4) in 1990, mathematical details being provided in an appendix pp 247-344. It had proved impossible to publish this in any Western scientific journal but Dr Louis Essen FRS, inventor of the caesium beam atomic clock, asked me to attend a conference in Russia in his place so it could be presented there. A summary appeared in the proceedings (5) of that conference in 1991.

At that conference a presentation by an astronomer, Svetlana Tol'chelnicova(6) showed observations of the “Shapiro time delay” to greatly exceed prediction from Einstein’s theory. When radar beams from Earth are reflected back from nearby planets the echo takes up to 200 microseconds longer to arrive than if light traveled at a constant speed. It is this excess which is known as the Shapiro time delay. What was worrying was that the new theory matched that based on Einstein! The discrepancy was subsequently found, however, to have a solution if the aether could be regarded as a fluid in vortex motion centered on the Sun with the Earth moving along with the flow. A "vortex time delay" was identified which added to that of Shapiro. This was shown able to account for the discrepancy. The new model also provided an explanation for previous failures to measure the absolute speed of the Earth.

However, the mass increase due to speed demanded a rigid structure for the reference frame. Only for the propagation of light was a fluid reference in motion relative to such a rigid frame required. So the aether had to exhibit both fluid and rigid properties simultaneously. A solution to this dilemma appeared, however, from the solution arising co-currently to the problem of the cosmological constant.

Further refinement

Equation[3] is recommended only up to field strengths equal to that at the surface of a white dwarf star since beyond that an inconsistency of energy starts to become evident. This was finally eliminated when a reformulation showed that the established definition of mechanical work needed to be changed from force ´ distance moved, FS, to FS(LD /L)2.

This enabled a "quantum-wave theory of gravity", which eliminated the energy inconsistency, to be formulated. It showed L µ c to no longer hold in extreme fields and solved two impossible features of black holes: their central “singularities” and elevated “event horizons”. This was because c never fell quite to zero and the force of gravity reached a saturation value in the revised Newtonian approach..

The Problem of the Cosmological Constant

The problem arises since theorists can find no way to adequately switch off the huge creative explosion they postulate: the inflation phase of the big bang. A solution appeared when a sub-quantum level of reality was considered to exist as a mixture of interacting particles, some made of positive energy but with the remainder made of a negative kind: a “Yin” and “Yang” at the root of everything.
It now appeared that even the aether could not be regarded as the ultimate level of reality. This had to appear as if comprised of only positive energy but must be generated by something far simpler: a deeper ultimate level comprising both kinds of energy. To avoid confusion this absolute sub-quantum level of reality is now to be called the "i-ther". Furthermore the terms positive and negative have nothing to do with electric charge, which does not even exist at the level of i-ther. The theories of Whittaker and others describing the aether are in no way affected nor is it incompatible with the "quantum vacuum".

The possibility of negative energies existing had first been proposed by the physicist, Paul Dirac(7), in the 30's but were then rejected and are now regarded as non-physical. However, the reasons used for rejection are not applicable in the present context since the concept arose in a different way and is only applicable at the level of i-ther.

Primaries of the I-ther

The ultimate positive and negative energy particles out of which all else is built are to be called “primaries”. The mechanics governing their behavior is best understood by first considering any object accelerated by the application of a force. Newton's laws of motion have any object of positive mass, when free to move, accelerate away in the same direction as the "force of action" being applied. The object pushes back with an equal and opposite “force of reaction". However, if the directions of these two forces are both reversed and the mass and energy of the object considered negative, then an alternative mechanics is produced giving exactly the same predicted responses. The proviso is that all other objects are then considered to be of negative mass/energy.

This may seem impossible at first sight but a simple analysis will serve to show how the two systems present mirror images of each other so that both are equally permissible. There is nothing peculiar about the negative mass/energy concept. The reason for such symmetry is that when all objects in collision are of negative mass, the negative effects cancel so that responses identical with those made by collisions between objects of positive mass appear. Indeed the symmetry is so perfect that it is impossible to state with more than 50/50% certainty that our matter is really made from positive energy. Its dynamics can be equally explained if all our matter is considered negative. However, only at a sub-quantum level of reality, the i-ther, is it permissible to consider the interactions of both kinds where the only objects existing are assumed to be primaries.

The alternative to relativity showed that any object in motion has to be considered as being constructed from the arithmetic sum of its rest and kinetic energy. As a positive primary is speeded up its positive total energy increases due to the positive mechanical work done upon it. Since for negative primaries the force of action is opposite the direction of acceleration the mechanical work done by it is now negative. Then negative kinetic energy is added to a negative rest energy. Therefore motion adds kinetic energy of the same sign as rest energy in either case.

It is now necessary to consider the acceleration of a pair in a given direction. Each has its own force of action applied so that mechanical work is done on each. On one this work is positive whilst on the other it is negative since these forces of action are opposed. If some kind of joining member could be attached these forces would cancel to zero and so no net mechanical work would be done. Each member has, however, gained energy of its own kind. Hence a mechanism is appearing able to create the primaries of the i-ther from a zero energy state. This is disallowed by the first law of thermodynamics as expressed at present and so this needs to be modified to read:
"Energy can only be created or destroyed in equal and opposite amounts"

Pure creation or annihilation are now allowed, however, and permit a new theory for the creation of the universe to be advanced. A background medium has to exist which consists of a mixture of both positive and negative energy primaries. It cannot be a continuum since the two would cancel to nothing. So the energy states have to be considered to exist as an intimate mixture of two kinds of complementary particle: the primaries. Creation cannot arise by hypothetical joining members of the kind so far postulated since they seem impossible to justify. Some other mechanism has therefore to be invoked. However, all primaries will move at high speeds to repeatedly collide, so forming a seething mass in the manner of molecules in a gas. This is the primordial i-ther whose intricate structure has yet to emerge. It will do so as the mechanics of collisions between primary pairs is studied.

Creation by “Opposed Energy Dynamics”

Half of all collisions will be between primaries of like kind: a quarter will be positive to positive and a quarter negative to negative impacts. In each case they will bounce away like billiard balls obeying two established laws of physics: the conservation of both energy and momentum. Whilst energy is the basic constructional material of both matter and the motion of that matter (kinetic energy), momentum is a property of the energy of an object, obtained by multiplying its inertial mass by its velocity (speed with direction specified).
When direction is involved the resulting property is called a “vector” and can be represented by an arrow, of length proportional to magnitude, and pointing in the appropriate direction. Both velocity and momentum are therefore vector properties.

When primaries collide the sum of their momenta after collision will remain the same as it was prior to collision when measured in any specified direction. This is known as the "conservation of momentum" and is equally applicable to collisions of opposites as it is to those of like energy.

The remaining half of all collisions will be between pairs: that is one of each kind. Then something very interesting happens. The same two conservation laws of momentum and energy, when applied together, result in the prediction of a balanced increase of both energies at each collision. They breed like opposite sexes! This is best explained by reference to FIG.1, which shows how pure energy creation is forced to occur without involving logical anomaly.
In Fig.1A a positive primary is shown moving at velocity v1 from left to right so that it collides head on with a negative primary moving at speed u1 from right to left. The momentum p+ of the positive primary points in its direction of motion but that of the negative primary p- points opposite its motion. However, since this motion is opposed these directions cancel so that both positive and negative momenta point in the same positive direction. They add up. The only solution for final states after collision that satisfy the modified law of conservation of energy, as well as momentum, is for velocities to remain unchanged. Primaries have to pass through each other without change of energy. It is possible that transient forces cause temporary mutual annihilation followed by reconstitution.

Next consider case B. Both primaries still travel in exactly opposite directions but now their trajectories are offset so that a scattering collision now has to be considered. Extra forces provisionally assumed perpendicular to the original momentum vectors are now introduced which are equal and opposite. Then transverse momenta are introduced which mutually cancel as required to conserve the net transverse momentum that has to remain zero.
Now the following equation, which connects energy and momentum, is readily derived from equation[3] of our alternative to relativity: a revised Newtonian mechanics. With C meaning the ultimate speed of primaries, a universal constant, it is:

Here E the total energy = E0 + EK the rest plus kinetic energies respectively. The inertial mass is E/C2 so that the momentum of positive primaries is p = v E/C 2. Also px and py are the momenta measured in the direction of v1 and perpendicular to that direction respectively and defined as: px = Evx /C 2 and py = Evy /C 2 respectively. As explained later C > c where c is the speed of light (and only the latter c is a variable in this revised Newtonian mechanics.
The values of px for either phase are the original momenta prior to collision and, for identical reasons given with regard to Fig.1A, cannot be changed by the collision. But py has been added by the scattering effect. Hence total energy, of both primaries, has been forced to increase in equal and opposite amounts! Since the transverse momenta added have to be opposed it follows that, unlike scattering collisions between like energies, both primaries deflect in the same direction as shown at C.

The assumption that the extra momentum gains have to be exactly transverse has now to be justified. A similar argument can be applied to investigate the non-transverse case that introduces extra momentum components in the x direction for each primary. Now however, one adds and the other detracts from the resultant momentum, so creating unbalanced energy gains. Since this is disallowed by the revised energy conservation law it follows that, for colliding pairs, scattering collisions can only involve the addition of momenta in perpendicular directions.

For the general case primaries will collide from all directions. The same logic can, however, be applied after choosing a moving frame of reference, specific to each colliding pair, such that lines of motion now appear mutually opposed as already depicted.

The first computer codes written to integrate impacts from all possible directions assumed speeds very close to C with C = c , since it was thought this would be the most appropriate. This returned the large average energy gain of 16% of incident energy. This is huge and represents exponential growth of vast magnitude.

The breeding effect means that the initial zero state is unstable and once triggered at some point, the i-ther is committed to enormous eternal growth unless canceled in some way. However, when some critical density is exceeded another kind of instability becomes manifest. Breeding collisions only apply to pairs and at high densities collisions tend to become multiple, so giving rise to conditions favoring mutual annihilation. The initial explosion switches off naturally! In this way a solution to the problem of the cosmological constant has now appeared from a flaw-free logic. In particular flow patterns can form which are particularly favorable for annihilation.

When large numbers of both kinds of primary approach a point or line, in a flux uniformly distributed from all directions, the net momentum of the imploding flow is zero: equal to the value when no primaries exist. Hence flow patterns can spontaneously form, as shown in Fig.2, in which pure creation drives primaries toward centers of annihilation. Cylindrical symmetry is favored over the alternative spherical kind because the cusp-shaped voids between packed spheres are about three times greater proportionately than for packed cylinders.

These are not voids here: they are breeding zones creating whisker-like projections that enable a flip to the most stable configuration to occur. The result is the spontaneous formation of a honeycomb flow pattern dividing the entirety of space into a vast array of minute flow cells .Each of these contains a permanent filament of annihilation at its center. Each filament consists of both kinds of energy in process of mutual annihilation. Filaments are not material objects: they are primaries in the act of squeezing each other out of existence as they flow toward the center. Primaries generated in surrounding breeding zones arrive at the surfaces of filaments as fast as they are destroyed so that the filaments themselves are maintained.

The cells forming up into honeycomb-like arrays are shown in cross-section in FIG.2. These are of incredibly fine spacing, many thousands would lie side by side within the compass of each tiny electron. They must not be confused with elements of the "string theories" of mainstream physics written in eleven curved space-time dimensions. Our filaments are totally different, exist in only three dimensions and spontaneously form up into a quasi-static structure.

At larger scales bundles of the arrays of filament-containing cells will criss-cross in all directions as shown in Fig.3. It requires no mathematical formalism to see that, as a consequence of such random geometry, each filament will terminate at both ends in a tee-junction with some other filament that crosses its path. Due to the sharing of imploding flows near junctions a local thinning of filaments will result. The junctions, therefore, are weak points that can easily break. They can exist in bistable states: either open or closed forming natural switches.
In the open state any asymmetry causes an energy imbalance to build up, caused by rectification of random fluctuations occurring in the surrounding region. When some shock causes closure, an energy discharge will occur and the resulting flow can provide the shock needed to cause a change in state of other nearby junctions. So waves of switching action will arise spontaneously. The energy discharges will affect whole cells as well as just the filaments so that longitudinal pressure waves will also traverse the gaseous phase of the i-ther. It will be assumed these identify with real quantum waves: the elusive core feature of quantum theory.

In effect each breeding cell is the equivalent of an inefficient heat engine. Breeding is equivalent to a perfect heat source except that no energy input is required, whilst the central filaments act as perfect heat sinks from which no energy is rejected. The i-ther provides a vast power-house existing everywhere throughout space and able to maintain the universe of matter. Contrary to prevalent opinion the universe need never run down due to steady increase of its entropy. New organized energy flow, the definition of power, is constantly being supplied to counter entropy gains. Thus far the logic is firm and mathematically justifiable.

Could a neural network evolve in the i-ther?

Furthermore, all the ingredients seem to be present for generating a working neural network. It is known that experimental neural nets exhibit memory and have learning capability. It does not seem unreasonable, therefore, to suggest that a further refinement, by a process similar to Darwinian evolution, could generate a background state of intelligence and consciousness.
This extension of the logic is admittedly more speculative but, if confirmed by further study, it offers a very convincing explanation for many phenomena at present regarded as anomalous. These anomalies are so embarrassing to theorists that they are currently ignored. They are aspects to be considered later in this article.

An asymmetry is required so that the i-ther can generate the power needed. The rest energy of positive primaries needs to exceed that of its negative partners on average. Then, so that total energy gains balance at each pair collision, the kinetic energy of negative primaries needs to exceed that of the positives. The net positive rest energy will be shown to provide the basic fluid of the aether for building matter. Since pressure is proportional to the linear kinetic energy of molecules in a gas and the same applies to primaries, the net pressure developed will be negative. This creates the "negative pressure of the vacuum" demanded by quantum theory.

In this way just one asymmetry provides solutions to several difficulties. Furthermore the filamentous network provides a rigid framework through which the fluid component can flow with ease.

A natural solution has therefore emerged showing how the aether can have two different reference frames for light and matter. This, it will be remembered, was required to provide a satisfactory alternative to relativity.

This theory was first published as the booklet Origin of Mind (8) in 1992 followed by a presentation at a Russian scientific conference and followed by publication in 1993 in the subsequent proceedings(9). A revised version appeared in "Frontier Perspectives" Spring/Summer 1997, pp70-78. This paper contains some further revision.

The network or grid, now defining the "i-ther" is represented symbolically by a rectangular mesh in FIGs 3,5 and 6. It interconnects everything in the universe. As yet, however, no universe of matter could exist. Spontaneous creation of the i-ther had to occur first, followed by its evolution to a state of consciousness. This is because, on this model, matter would require deliberate design to provide the fine tuning needed for biological chemistry. In this way the absurdity of an infinite number of parallel universes, as required by the Anthropic principle, is eliminated.

The only tools available for the creation of matter would be the quantum waves, organized by the computing ability of the network. Waves could be focused by such computer control, so they implode to a central point after originating from a minute spherical shell of the grid. Transient humps or spikes of energy-density will appear at any focus just as imploding waves produce spikes in a pond after a pebble is dropped.

These humps will serve as the elementary sub-atomic particles, which can be generated in a state of linear and spinning motion. Then, grouped by the organizing power of wave interference patterns (an example is shown in Fig.4) will be confined to move in a limited range of paths. This illustration is the well known two-slit experiment but clearly the coding is really designed to create atoms. Then electrons will be produced with focal points confined within orbitals, centered on nuclei created the same way. The atoms have been cleverly designed to form up into molecules or the crystals shown in Fig.5. It should be noted that the atomic nuclei are shown on a cubic lattice but it is tilted so that it is not confused with the grid symbolism, also shown, and which underlies everything.

The quantum waves do not stop at their focal points but cross over and spread out again. They continue on forever decaying inversely with distance. As they go.they stimulate excess breeding by causing primaries to collide with extra momentum. This produces the energy density gradients required by the alternative to relativity and so a mechanism for their formation has appeared. To produce the match required the ultimate speed C for primaries had to be about 900 times greater than the speed of light we observe. An exact value cannot be given since the figure varies according to the rest energy asymmetry E0N /E0 that has to be assumed.

Mind cannot be brain function alone

In Fig.6 brains of matter are illustrated connecting with sense organs, represented by eyes, which observe crystals of matter by capturing photons reflected from them. All are built from matter. However, the brains on this model are only inert instruments used to operate the muscles of the body by interfacing with minds. Minds are isolated fragments of the i-ther (intelligent ether) connecting with each brain. Inferred to explain existing data, each brain is shown in direct communication with its conscious mind but the latter is separated by an information filter-barrier, programmed into the i-ther, to separate it from a sub-conscious component of the mind. Information can then flow from the conscious to the sub-conscious but not vice-versa. Then only the sub-conscious part can be in direct communication with all others via the filamentous network of the i-ther. In this way the information gathered can be stored and also used to enrich the whole.

However, the conscious minds of most people are confined to communication via the intermediary of matter so that they can act as individuals and manipulate only what they are confined to experience. This allows them to develop in meaningful ways by competition and co-operation. It is no wonder that our scientists have been deceived for so long into believing that matter is all that exists!

Such a speculation is supported by the evidence of psi which has been accumulating for more than a century and which is now gaining acceptance as scientific fact awaiting theoretical explanation. The "Scole Report" of the Society for Psychical Research by Keen(10) et al is proof of this and well worthy of study. Amazing phenomena are reported: all totally impossible from the viewpoint of established physics but explicable from the new standpoint unveiled. The speculation advanced here provides a hypothesis permitting most so-called psychic phenomena, to be explained as potentially real effects from an enhanced and extended base of theoretical physics. Until a theory is established for explaining the phenomena of psi it will continue to be regarded as a threat to be discredited and ignored.

Telepathy can now be attributed to controlled leaks in the information filter-barriers of two apparently separated individuals. The same can be expected between minds of the living and the deceased: so explaining mental mediumship. Water divining will also require such a leak. Here the sensitive is permitted direct access to the memory banks of the i-ther. Indeed, almost the entire spectrum encompassing psi phenomena can be explained as potentially real effects. These are considered in detail in this author's publications(4),(8) & (11). A number of astonishing experiences personally encountered by the author in his own research of psi phenomena are also described(4) & (8).
Interpreting forces, wave-particle duality and non-localty

The hydrogen atom was studied by Schrödinger since, comprising only a single electron and proton, it is the simplest possible case. His incredibly clever wave mechanics showed, by a wave-interference-model, that the electron had to be confined within a spherical so-called "orbital" having no clearly defined edge. His equations do not represent electrons in orbital motion but instead specify a random distribution giving the probability of finding it at any particular locality.
If an electron orbited the hydrogen nucleus, like a planet going round the sun, then this atom would appear disc-like rather than ball-shaped. So electrons cannot be orbiting. Instead the quantum wave focus will be organized to jump about at random though confined within the orbital to fill the allowed space. At each reconstruction it will be in motion.

Hence an electron will appear as a particle-sequence joined end to end in time but not in position. If it hits another "particle", like a photon during one of its brief lives, then its energy-density hump will behave like a particle. The wave functions of both interacting energy humps will be immediately canceled, by the controlling i-theric mathematics, to be replaced by new sets to organize both subsequent trajectories. There is no need to invoke the collapse of wave functions by any macroscopic sized observer as required by the “Copenhagen interpretation”!

In all cases the focus position at each instant will be chosen at random but will be confined to places where wave interference is constructive. In this manner the mysteries observed by quantum physicists can be interpreted differently on a more rational basis.

The two-slit phenomenon, illustrated in Fig.4, also no longer seems so impossible. When a narrow beam of light is selected by a “collimating slit” so that it falls on a second screen containing a pair of narrow slits placed close together, then interference patterns were found to appear on a screen located some distance behind the slits. This is the clear signature of wave effects. Waves from the slits arrive at different times due to differences in distance. When the crests of both arrive together they re-enforce one another to produce a bright fringe. When crests and troughs arrive together they cancel to leave a dark fringe. Hence alternating bright and dark fringes appear gradually fading with distance from the center point.

When the light was turned down to very low intensity it could only be detected by special apparatus. Then the light arrived in a series of little clicks showing it had a particle as well as a wave nature. With the intensity turned down so low that only one particle could traverse the slits at any instant the wave interference pattern was expected to vanish to be replaced by a shadowgraph. This was because it was inconceivable that a particle going through only one slit could interfere with itself as if it went through both. To the amazement and consternation of the entire scientific community, however, after building up a pattern over a long time, speckle by speckle, exactly the same interference pattern appeared!

Attempts were made to explain this outrageously anomalous result, the latest being the Everett interpretation. This has it that a shadow particle must pass through the otherwise empty slit to provide interference. It meant a whole new universe had to appear every time any particle had a choice of two paths! Consequently there had to be an infinite number of universes all splitting and increasing forever.

Now, however, sub-atomic "particles" really do travel all permitted paths simultaneously. They are repeatedly being reconstructed at random at all possible locations, appearing tojump from one to another as they progress toward the screen. They are confined to the paths, such as those shown in thick lines, where wave interference is constructive. The need to postulate an almost infinite number of parallel universes, just to explain wave-particle duality, no longer exists! This dismisses the "many worlds" hypothesis advanced by Everett and which is said to be gaining ground.
By contrast the new interpretation offers a plausible explanation for this vexed question that arises naturally from the present theory. It seems free from the paradoxes and other difficulties that appear with previous interpretations.

Non-locality is another vexed question needing interpretation. “Entangled” particles affect each other instantly regardless of separating distance. I-ther theory offers a way. Its filaments are the ultimate solids or liquids having zero porosity and consequently almost infinite bulk modulus. Their net densities, however, the difference between positive and negative constituents, will be very small. This combination predicts an almost infinite speed of longitudinal wave propagation along filaments, dwarfing that of the fluid phase normally observed. Hence entangled particles might communicate, via filaments, almost instantly right across the universe! Or rather the computing grid treats codes for entangled particles as the same construct almost instantly.

Another question arises regarding the true nature of electric charge and the electrodynamic force. If the positions of sub atomic particles are organized by wave interference patterns then no constraint by any real force is required. We simply interpret the mechanics of charge as producing real forces from our experiments but such interpretations now seem less plausible. More probably these are abstract quantities represented like numbers, being organized by a background intelligence. Since the force of gravity has been shown by other scientists, such as Dr. Harold Aspden, to be a residual of the electrodynamic force, this too must be abstract. Then again, with no real electric force of repulsion to counter the strong and weak nuclear forces can have a similar explanation. It seems we could be living in world of semi-virtual reality. The only real forces occur when particles collide.

The most important spin-off vindicates the early pioneers
The notion of consciousness as a sub-quantum phenomenon contradicts the current reductionist view that mind is just brain-function. However, the far-seeing physicist, Sir Oliver Lodge FRS (12) proposed in 1933 that what we see as living matter must in reality be quite inert. He stated that the real life force must derive from a background medium he called the "ether". He had studied the observations made by a previous famous scientist, Sir William Crookes FRS, who had been brought in by his contemporaries about 1870 to look into the reports of phenomena appearing as impossibilities to scientists across all disciplines. Crookes undertook the exhaustive and unbiased assessment expected of him.

To the surprise and intense dismay of almost every other scientist, however, Crookes(13) confirmed that the reports were genuine. Unfortunately, this distress was felt so acutely that few accepted the findings and to this day his work is still discredited, even though confirmed by the independent researches of at least five other reputable academics. These were, Prof. Charles Richet(14), Prof. Baron von Schrenck-Notzing(15), Dr. Gustav Geley(16), Dr.W.J. Crawford(17) and Dr. T. Glen Hamilton(18).

All these scientists had investigated psychic phenomena through physical mediumship, in particular the claims of survival of consciousness following death of the body. All had confirmed that the claims were genuine.


A revision of relativity theory has provided a quantum-compatible mechanics, so solving a problem which has been troubling cosmologists for about 70 years. The study also provided an opposed energy dynamics that solved the problem of the cosmological constant. By 1992 it had predicted a universe which was gently expanding though at an ever increasing rate. Astronomers discovered this acceleration in 1998. It came as a surprise to cosmologists who now postulate “dark energy” which produces unexplained repulsion by way of explanation. This approach cannot succeed, especially since they still search for a solution to the cosmological constant.

Plausible explanations for both wave-particle duality and non-locality also emerged from the mathematical logic which predicted the existence of a background structure called the i-ther having similarities to a neural network. It was speculated that this could evolve a conscious intelligence, in which case almost the entire spectrum of so-called paranormal phenomena could be explained as potentially real effects. Physics had now been expanded to include such phenomena, previously regarded as anomalous.

The study has therefore yielded a theoretical basis that supports careful experimental studies of survival. It supports the main tenets of religious belief: that the universe was deliberately created and that consciousness survives bodily death. This does not, however, eliminate Darwinian evolution of biological life forms.

Only the fundamentalists, the extremists of religious faiths, pose any threat. It needs to be mentioned that the theory outlined does not prove that the i-ther is absolutely all. It cannot be claimed that an even deeper reality outside space and time is impossible. This uncertainty, however, has an advantage. Theologians can call this God if they wish and scientists can say they do not believe it. Either way the existence of the i-ther is not affected and so the two disciplines can agree to disagree on this single point. Apart from this, mutual support between these disciplines, can arise to displace the antagonism that has existed for so long.

Clearly theorists are still grappling with problems when solutions have been available for many years. The plea is made for physicists to re-establish the collaboration between disciplines to avoid the stifling of progress.
Furthermore the hope is expressed that the scientific community, supported by some psychologists and parapsychologists, will now cease their attempts to explain away the paranormal. They need to stop putting all the data down to fraud and delusion. They also need to cease their attempts to discredit the pioneers. These tactics are no longer required when physics has been extended to encompass such phenomena and can explain them as natural and normal. They no longer appear as threats!

1 Brillet, A. & Hall, J.L.: Improved Laser Test of the Isotropy of Space
Physical Review Letters, Vol.42, No.9, 26 February 1979
2 Aspden, Harold: Laser Interferometry Experiments on Light Speed Anisotropy: Physics Letters 85A,NO.8,9:19 October 1981
3 Novikov, I.D.: Evolution of the Universe: Cambridge University Press,1993
4 Pearson, Ronald D,: Intelligence Behind the Universe!: [Dec.1990]
370 pages (520 grams) A popularisation plus Technical Appendix Available from:
Michael Roll: 28 Westerleigh Rd., Downend, Bristol. BS16 6AH: Tel:0177 9561960
Website: E-mail:
5 Pearson, Ronald D.: Alternative to Relativity including Quantum Gravitation: Second International Conference on Problems in Space and Time: St. Petersburg, Petrovskaja Academy of Sciences & Arts [Sept.1991]: pp 278-292
Chairman Local Organising Committee:Dr. Michael Varin: Pulkovskoye Road 65-9-1
St. Petersburg 196140, Russia. FAX: (7) (812) 291-81-35
Phone:Alexandre Alekseev: office:(7) (812) 291-36-73, Home:(7) (812) 173-55-69 E-Mail:
6. Tolchel'nikova-Murri, S.A.: The Doppler Observations of Venus Contradict Special Relativity: pp181-191 (She means "general relativity" and "radar ranging") same conference as 5
7 Dirac, Paul: Principles of Quantum Mechanics: 4th Edition 1962
Clarendon Press, Oxford.
8 Pearson, Ronald D.: Quantum Gravitation and the Structured Ether
Sir Isaac Newton Conference. St. Petersburg [March 1993] pp 39-55 (Address as Ref.15)
9 Pearson, Ronald D.: Origin of Mind [Dec.1992]: -A popularisation plus Technical Appendix
72 pages: (110 grams) direct Michael Roll (see ref.4).
10 Keen, Montague: Ellison, Arthur: Fontana, David (of the Society for Psychical Research UK): The Scole Report:
Proc.Soc. of Psychical Research Vol.58, Part 220 (1999)
11 Pearson,R. D.: The Academy of Survival Physics: direct from Michael Roll (see Ref.4)
12 Lodge, Sir Oliver FRS: Ether and Reality:
Hodder and Stroughton (1925)
13 Crookes, Sir William FRS: Experimental investigation of a new force
Quarterly Journal of Science, July 1, 1871
14 Richet, Professor Charles: Thirty Years of Psychical Research
W. Collins Sons & Co.Ltd. 48 Pall Mall. London. (1923)
15 Schrenck-Notzing, Professor Baron von : Phenomena of Materialisation
Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner & Co.Ltd. (1920) p.340
16 Geley, Dr. Gustave: Clairvoyance and Materialisation
ISBN 0-405-07020-9 : Amo Press. (1975) 401 pages
17 Grawford, Dr. W.J.: The Reality of Psychic Phenomena
E.P. Dutton & co. (1918)
18 Hamilton, Dr.T.Glen: Intention and Survival
Regency Press Ltd. 43 New Oxford St. London WC1A 1BH (1942)

Fig.1 Collisions of Primaries
At A in a head on collision of a pair of primaries the momenta P+ and P- add so that neither can lose energy. At B a glancing impact adds transverse momenta, PT+ and PT-, shown at C, so causing extra energy of their own kind to be gained by each. Both move sideways in the same direction as shown at D.

Fig.2 to 6 From i-theric grid to mind and brain
In FIG.s 2 & 3 the grid structure of the i-ther is shown and the quantum waves spontaneously generated form interference patterns, an example being shown in FIG.4. These specify where imploding waves are to be focused to create sub atomic particles and these form atoms of crystals etc. as shown in FIG.5 (with nuclei on a square grid: inclined so as not to line up with grid symbolism)
A number of minds separated by information filters of the grid structure observe matter via sense organs and the brain as shown in Fig.6.

Fig.1 Collisions of Primaries
At A in a head on collision of a pair of primaries the momenta P+ and P- add so that neither can lose energy. At B a glancing impact adds transverse momenta, PT+ and PT-, shown at C, so causing extra energy of their own kind to be gained by each. Both move sideways in the same direction as shown at D.

Fig.2 to 6 From i-theric grid to mind and brain

In FIG.s 2 & 3 the grid structure of the i-ther is shown and the quantum waves spontaneously generated form interference patterns, an example being shown in FIG.4. These specify where imploding waves are to be focused to create sub atomic particles and these form atoms of crystals etc. as shown in FIG.5 (with nuclei on a square grid: inclined so as not to line up with grid symbolism)
A number of minds separated by information filters of the grid structure observe matter via sense organs and the brain as shown in Fig.6.

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